KingJ.exe User
Posts: 390 | Making 2.0 agree with Legacy on Thursday, May, 02, 2013 5:14 PM
So, when Legacy came out, Disney all but said it was non-canon. To which I say "FEH!" It is my opinion that 2.0, which has a rich story for a videogame and limited 6 issue comic run, can fit perfectly into the established Legacy canon, with the changing of a few minor details, and assuming something happened that was set up earlier.
First things first: We must assume that Flynn figured out the digitizing algorithms much earlier than they did in 2.0. Either that, or Alan and the team figured them out earlier. It has to be solved one way or the other before 1989.
Number Two: Flynn leaves the company in '88 or '89, just before he disappears into his private Grid system. Easy, right? The game had him leaving in 1990. Link for proof. The only other mention of Flynn is an email in 99 when he asks how Alan's holding up. Easy to fix that one, just say that second email never happened. Kevin was too busy trapped in the Grid.
Number Three: Lora has her digitizing accident, and is partially or completely integrated in the the Math Assistant Audio series (Ma1a, Ma2a, Ma3a). However, the experiments conducted with the backup Jet in Ghost in the Machine provide options to get her out of the system and back into the real world. And then she's back in plenty of time for the press conference that Sam dropped in on in the Flynn Lives ARG.
Anything that doesn't fit that I missed? Any thoughts on how it could work better? Watch me stream TRON 2.0 on my YouTube channel!
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Gridlord User
Posts: 46 | RE: Making 2.0 agree with Legacy on Tuesday, October, 22, 2013 1:07 AM
I too would like to make the two work. However I never like to use the "Joker" card by saying something simply didn't happen. Its too easy to do that and make it less challenging. So, IMO, the best way for it to work is to think of a good excuse why the years would be off on the emails in Tron 2.0. Its obvious on Legacy that FLYNN never left ENCOM as is shown in Tron 2.0. So I believe if you take out the years of the emails in Tron 2.0, maybe because the server's CMOS battery went dead making the years earlier than they were suppose to be? Then you can move ALL of the events of Tron 2.0 to AFTER Legacy which would indicate that at some point Kevin Flynn is returned to the real world, ENCOM is merged with a company called FCON and Kevin Flynn quits the company to spend more time with Sam and Quorra perhaps. Then the events of Tron 2.0 and Ghost in the Machine take place.
J User
Posts: 248 | RE: Making 2.0 agree with Legacy on Tuesday, October, 22, 2013 12:02 PM
I have my own way of working it out. I fudge the dates on the email and set 2.0's events as 7 months prior to Legacy.
1. Lora's accident happened, but it was a severe injury that's left her in fragile health instead of a fatality. There is part of her in the system at the core of Ma3a, but neither party is aware of it.
2. Alan is working on the digitizer algorithms, but it had nothing to do with Flynn and everything to do with healing his wife. He makes the mistake of trusting Thorne with some sensitive Flynn Lives stuff and tells him about the digitizer.
3. Dillinger Sr/MCP 2.0 (yes, they're integrated) is running Future Control with Crown as the figurehead. Using Thorne as a confederate, they get wind of the digitizer and get their bright idea to try and take over. Oops, Alan wasn't kidding about those safeties, Thorne. Oh, well, you're still useful as a walking WMD. You're the viral agent of doom and we can pitch our Wraiths as the cure.
4. Two fatal errors in the plan: Locking Alan freakin Bradley in a room full of old computer parts and Ma3a deciding to conscript Jet at laser-point. Between the two, that virtual server with all those Wraiths goes into a tailspin.
5. The FBI probably doesn't get much out of what's left of FCon, but seeing cyberspace for himself gave Alan hope for the first time in years that his old friend might actually be alive (before, he was keeping up the pretense as to not give Flynn's enemies the satisfaction). He starts putting a lot more effort in the Flynn Lives project while working on those algorithms. It worries Jet big time, but Jet understands that FCon was only given a setback, not defeated.
6. The Bradleys agree to keep quiet about what they saw and had to do in there until AFTER Sam's next prank. No need for him to find the laser lab, shoot himself in, and become the next Thorne or get himself killed.
7. Pager goes off several months later, and Alan tells Jet that he'll be the one going over there to tell Sam everything... order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill
It's an entire universe in there, one we created, but it's beyond us now. Really. It's outgrown us. You know, every time you shut off your you know what you're doing? Have you ever reformatted a hard drive? Deleted old software? Destroyed an entire universe?"
-- Jet Bradley, Tron: Ghost in the Machine on why being a User isn't necessarily a good thing. |
Gridlord User
Posts: 46 | RE: Making 2.0 agree with Legacy on Tuesday, October, 22, 2013 2:51 PM
Nice! But it doesn't address the issue with Flynn quitting "F-CON" or why ENCOM even changed its name at all.
J User
Posts: 248 | RE: Making 2.0 agree with Legacy on Wednesday, October, 23, 2013 12:34 AM
1. The Betrayal comic showed Flynn quitting (or at least going for a sabbatical) from Encom shortly before he vanished in 1989.
2. Fcon is not even mentioned until the mid 90's - WELL after Flynn's vanishing act. It's a rival company that's actually run by MCP 2.0 that made a bid to take over Encom and failed due to Team Bradley being a big spanner in the works.
3. Sam, being Sam, was not paying the slightest bit of attention to all of this at the time. Furthermore, he and Jet had a falling out when Jet took the Encom gig, which is why he didn't catch wind of this sooner.
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It's an entire universe in there, one we created, but it's beyond us now. Really. It's outgrown us. You know, every time you shut off your you know what you're doing? Have you ever reformatted a hard drive? Deleted old software? Destroyed an entire universe?"
-- Jet Bradley, Tron: Ghost in the Machine on why being a User isn't necessarily a good thing. |
Gridlord User
Posts: 46 | RE: Making 2.0 agree with Legacy on Wednesday, October, 23, 2013 10:41 PM
You have a sharp mind and I think we can eventually get everything to fit! However Flynn's leave of ENCOM was definitely temporary. I have the comic, but I don't remember if he was taking time off for Sam or to keep working on the Grid. Also, I believe newsreels are shown calling Flynn CEO of ENCOM after his disappearance. In Tron 2.0 he says he pursuing greener pastures and was leaving the company in the hands of Walter's son. Here's all the emails from Tron 2.0:
Also, the emails pretty much say ENCOM was sold to the FCON, though that doesn't mean ENCOM has to disappear. For example Apple was doing horribly at one point and a large portion of it was sold to Microsoft. Now Apple not only regained its feet, but is more powerful than Microsoft.
J User
Posts: 248 | RE: Making 2.0 agree with Legacy on Thursday, October, 24, 2013 12:55 AM
Mergers get halted all the time. AT&T's attempted purchase of TMobile almost had the ink dry and all the layoffs planned when the FTC stepped in at literally the last second to put the kibosh on it.
I'd imagine that F-Con's VERY illegal stunts would completely destroy any chance of that merger completing. At the very least, we're taking kidnapping and assault charges when it comes to Alan Bradley, industrial espionage with their recruitment of Thorne and the Z-Lot virus, possible murder charges since Thorne "mysteriously vanishes," and even the idea of DataWraiths would run afoul of cyber-terrorism laws.
(Speaking of those Wraiths, though, Tron would be completely screwed if he ever ran into them...)
Between the FBI and the FTC, not only will Encom not be bought out, but F-Con would be lucky if they stayed in business. The loss of Crown, Popoff, and Baza would further derail things. Mind you, if Mackey, Gibbs Jr, and others were counting on that merger to bail out a company that isn't doing well, that's also going to be a big problem.
As for Flynn, well, the letter in 2.0 wasn't clear. "Greener pastures" implies leaving entirely, and maybe he was. But when a CEO announces he's stepping down, it usually takes several months to make a transition; naming a successor, putting the finishing touches on projects, handing over the workload, etc.
It's an entire universe in there, one we created, but it's beyond us now. Really. It's outgrown us. You know, every time you shut off your you know what you're doing? Have you ever reformatted a hard drive? Deleted old software? Destroyed an entire universe?"
-- Jet Bradley, Tron: Ghost in the Machine on why being a User isn't necessarily a good thing. |
KingJ.exe User
Posts: 390 | RE: Making 2.0 agree with Legacy on Thursday, October, 24, 2013 1:39 AM
Gridlord, allow me to link you to my updated theory on this. Every email happens, it just happens earlier in the timeline. 2.0 still happens around 2003, and everything seems to fit. to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online
Watch me stream TRON 2.0 on my YouTube channel!
Find the archive here: |
Gridlord User
Posts: 46 | RE: Making 2.0 agree with Legacy on Thursday, October, 24, 2013 2:57 PM
Oh wow! I didn't know the two of you had already put an amazing amount of thought into this. Thank you for the link!where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online