AlanBradley User
Posts: 5 | Character Development and Build Notes on Monday, February, 11, 2013 6:11 PM
I'm still quite early on in 2.0, but I was wondering when you are adding points to your stats... is there any way that you can actually screw up your character? If you find all the build notes does Jet end up being maxed out all around the board or do you have to choose?
What attributes are most valuable (I'm assuming health and energy)?
How important is it to find all the build notes? If I miss one, should I redo the "level" to find them all or will I be fine without a few? I'm not usually much of a completionist on my first run through a game but I hate missing things that will end up genuinely nerfing my character.where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online
J User
Posts: 248 | RE: Character Development and Build Notes on Wednesday, February, 20, 2013 5:52 PM
You have about 9 or 10 chances to upgrade and while you can max out one stat and get another very high, you cannot max them all out.
Energy is your ammo, health is health. If you're going to put it in anything, put it in those. Weapons Efficiency third, and anything else last.
It's an entire universe in there, one we created, but it's beyond us now. Really. It's outgrown us. You know, every time you shut off your you know what you're doing? Have you ever reformatted a hard drive? Deleted old software? Destroyed an entire universe?"
-- Jet Bradley, Tron: Ghost in the Machine on why being a User isn't necessarily a good thing. |
deeahchur User
Posts: 77 | RE: Character Development and Build Notes on Wednesday, February, 20, 2013 7:24 PM
If you are a stickler for completion, then aim to collect all build notes. By the end of the game, you should be able to reach 10.0.1 or thereabouts.
Depending upon your gameplay, health and energy are important, especially for boss battles or endurance runs, where reacquiring those will be difficult. You always have your disc, so basic attack is simple enough, and increased damage with any weapon is helpful. Transfers and processing are good if you know you're going to be in a bind and want to collect all the downloads as quickly as possible.
Also, find a copy of the Prima game guide, either as a physical copy or a pdf.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill
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"Appropriation is the highest form of appreciation." |
AlanBradley User
Posts: 5 | RE: Character Development and Build Notes on Saturday, February, 23, 2013 5:03 PM
Thanks much for the advice.
I've had some computer woes so I'll have to restart, yet again... but on my second playthrough I just made sure I made a regular save at the start of every "level" so I wouldn't miss any build notes.
I was focusing only on health and energy, with the former being priority. Just wasn't sure about the other three... I don't really know anything about the other weapons, but I figured the disc was designed to be your bread and butter anyway. I like to complete, but I don't get torn up about missing something... unless it genuinely nerfs my character, which drives me nuts.
erum User
Posts: 1 | RE: Character Development and Build Notes on Thursday, November, 28, 2013 12:30 AM
Since Disney treats 2.0 kinda like they treated the original film through most of the 80's...(that is to say, as something to ignore and hope unsuccessfully that it goes away)
erum |