Scootonimous User
![]() Posts: 6 | Still online? on Tuesday, April, 17, 2012 12:18 AM
Just got the PC game a week ago, Anyone still play? I've only found a couple of people in the grids.
Gridbug95 User
 Posts: 33 | RE: Still online? on Tuesday, April, 17, 2012 6:58 PM
I just bought the game and hope to play some people who don't hack, lol.
Scootonimous User
![]() Posts: 6 | RE: Still online? on Tuesday, April, 17, 2012 7:16 PM
My windows live tag is NMscooter. send a friends request, and we can party up.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill
BountyHunter User
 Posts: 60 | RE: Still online? on Saturday, June, 02, 2012 2:13 AM
Are people still playing this on XBox Live? Haven't checked for a while.abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion
trekking95 User
 Posts: 2,440 | RE: Still online? on Saturday, June, 02, 2012 4:34 AM
Gridbug95 Wrote:I just bought the game and hope to play some people who don't hack, lol. |
Did people really hack the game? Thanks to FlynnOne for the signature!
Save Tron 3! |
TronFAQ Sector Admin
 Posts: 4,467 | RE: Still online? on Saturday, June, 02, 2012 7:20 AM
LDSO • Facebook • Twitter • YouTube • DeviantArt
trekking95 User
 Posts: 2,440 | RE: Still online? on Saturday, June, 02, 2012 2:27 PM
Thanks to FlynnOne for the signature!
Save Tron 3! |
ShadowSpark User
 Posts: 2,943 | RE: Still online? on Saturday, June, 02, 2012 8:40 PM
{A very big thanks to FlynnOne for the pic! And to Wulfeous for sharpening the details!*huggles both*}
{Because people always seem to guess wrong, I'm saying it here: I'm female!!! And my name is Spark!!!}
Tron Lives!
Please click here to help my family out. |
Danial92 User
 Posts: 50 | RE: Still online? on Thursday, June, 21, 2012 1:20 PM
I'm currently looking for this game of the original version, which turns out I need to search the entire country of Malaysia for this game, as I think the suppliers might not brining in this game anymore.....
emdeesee User
![]() Posts: 218 | RE: Still online? on Thursday, June, 21, 2012 2:08 PM
TronFAQ Wrote:
trekking95 Wrote:
Did people really hack the game? |
Every version of Evolution has been hacked. Whether it be the leaderboards (fake scores), or cheats in multiplayer itself.
I have heard assertions that there are multiplayer cheats for the PS3, but in my experience those cheats, if they exists, are not so widely exploited that my enjoyment of the game is diminished.
I do believe there are a few who either play a lot of matches against bots only, or they have found hacks to set their numbers, ensuring their top spots on the leaderboard. I really don't care about the state of the leaderboard.
I also believe that, cheating notwithstanding, T:E multiplayer has a lot of room for variation in skill and a lot of depth. When I'm getting owned, it's not because my opponent is cheating. It's because my opponent is better than me.  (At least in PS3-land. I can't speak about other platforms.)
LWSrocks2 User
 Posts: 415 | RE: Still online? on Monday, July, 16, 2012 6:16 AM
I'm on Xbox Live as "SonOfxTheLaw" and I'm currently a version 30 program. Message me if you want to do battle. I can't do log cycles thou, when I do, he lightcycle just glitches out and moves randomly and disappears/reappears on is own. Too many people/devices on my network.
Nar78 User
 Posts: 235 | RE: Still online? on Thursday, August, 18, 2016 8:39 PM
Just an FYI, I've been revisiting the grid every so often. I've been mostly playing multiplayer by myself against the computer programs, but every once in a while, I'll actually come across a user or two, late at night.
It's really unfortunate that the developers never thought of giving the light cycle arena, some bots to play with, in case no one was on. I remember how much fun I had playing those maps when they were active.
Hope to see any of you on the grid one of these days. You can find me under Microtron.  "So, nice-looking ship you got here ." |
Discs-Of-Tron_ User
 Posts: 86 | RE: Still online? on Monday, September, 05, 2016 4:44 PM
Every once in a while I'll descend from greatness and switch out to the PS3 to play this and Tekken Revolution.
 Posts: 573 | RE: Still online? on Saturday, May, 27, 2017 7:58 AM
I've got the PC version of this game a few years ago, but if I'm honest I've only ever played it once. :P
Firstly it took absolutely AGES to load up!
And secondly, I just couldn't get the hang of the controls.
I rarely play PC games, and I found the controls actually quite fiddly at times :P
The truth is I only ever really managed to get through the first few levels, after that I just couldn't get use to it.
Mind you, they managed to recreate the effects and ambiance of Legacy perfectly!  Every little detail of that environment was almost like-for-like for the film.
I STILL have that game (even though I don't play it anymore) mostly because it is, after all, official merchandise.
If anyone out there is interested in this game but can't get a copy I can tell you you can find ALL the cut scenes from the game on Youtube, which pretty much covers most of the games storyline.