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 TRON and Discs of TRON Arcade 
 My New Tron Arcade Record :)

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Von Gruber

Posts: 6
RE: My New Tron Arcade Record :)

on Thursday, January, 09, 2014 10:21 AM
WELL DONE on your score last night Allen. 997,xxx I believe it is?

You did a great job. I am going to try to get down there early sunday to get about the same.

After that, not so sure I will play much at up down. As you have discovered it takes to dang long. Let me get mine fixed. Then we can shoot for some BIG scores.

Again great job Sir!


Posts: 17
RE: My New Tron Arcade Record :)

on Friday, January, 10, 2014 12:15 PM
Von Gruber Wrote:Again great job Sir!

Thank you. It was two months to the day (practically) to get there, and a fun trip. I want to see you roll it past a million so we can see what happens. If I play more, I am going to be shooting for the "999,999" score (I gave up at 999,744) , which is apparently very difficult to work out.

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 TRON and Discs of TRON Arcade 
 My New Tron Arcade Record :)