xistence User
 Posts: 135 | Webpage update on Tuesday, January, 17, 2012 3:08 PM
Just FYI, i updated my whole webpage, so feel free to have a look around if you're intrested in graphic, design and other stuff (also Tron/Tron like)
http://www.xistenceimaginations.de/abortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion
DrP User
 Posts: 242 | RE: Webpage update on Wednesday, April, 25, 2012 10:10 PM
xistence Wrote:Just FYI, i updated my whole webpage, so feel free to have a look around if you're intrested in graphic, design and other stuff (also Tron/Tron like)
http://www.xistenceimaginations.de/ |
Just checked out your website. I loved all the Tron 2.0 stuff. You have a real gift for 3D level design. I remember playing Tron 2.0 when it came out. I absolutely loved it. Congrats! END OF LINE |
deeahchur User
![]() Posts: 77 | RE: Webpage update on Saturday, January, 19, 2013 11:03 AM
Always fond and inspired by your work, X! I am in awe of your mastery of the System and further translating that visual! You should be hired to work on Tron professionally!
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"Appropriation is the highest form of appreciation." |