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 The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

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Posts: 606
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Friday, March, 29, 2013 12:50 AM

I've played old school DnD and other RPGs back in the day and understand what you're trying to do. May I suggest the CyberPunk 2020 or recent version since it may be a lot closer to the Tron theme? In fact, cyberpunk was inspired by William Gibson's Neuromancer novel and this may translate well for the stats and game mechanics.

Something to consider, yes?


Posts: 21
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Sunday, April, 14, 2013 8:34 AM
when do you plan on completing this project?


Posts: 399
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Thursday, November, 21, 2013 2:46 PM
Holy cow . . . RESPONSES!

I'm sorry I haven't been coming back to the forum regularly, classes are killing me.

I'm going read everything meticulously and come back to everyone. I'll have my buddy (who's working on it too) look it over to. Maybe he'll want to respond in my comments or something.

Are group has been a little hectic, but we always talk about this so . . .

Thank you everyone!


Posts: 11
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Friday, September, 04, 2015 4:25 PM
This is gonna be one hell of a thread necro, but I am actually working on my own TRON roleplaying game using an extensive modification of the D&D 3.x / Pathfinder RPG rules. I did not actually know you were working on your own RPG, but now that I found this thread I figured I would ask to see if the project was still going.

Processors and Programs: A TRON Roleplaying Game

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 Fan Fiction & Art 
 The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.