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 The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

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Posts: 399
The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Saturday, January, 14, 2012 10:54 PM
I think I may have mentioned this project a while back, but I recently spoke to my friend again who's designing the actual dice/mechanics for the game (I'd be designing campaigns, providing sketches, writing fluff and developing character creation).

I believe I have his interest now and I wanted to start working on it and collecting some ideas from you guys.

I'd like to make this the official thread for updates and research help.

Basically, what I want out of this is a really nice PDF/Word Doc that gives us, as fans, a way to enjoy a tabletop version of TRON's universe.

So, in the future I would really like to collect some art contributions, I'm thinking each section has a splash page with some nice color art that relates to the chapter.

Here are my ideas/developments thus far:

- System will be made entirely from scratch

- Campaigns will take place entirely in the computer world or multiple "worlds" (One PC to another or to a video game console, etc.)

- Players are allowed to be both Users and (humanoid) Programs

- Circuitry color will be based on functions as opposed to factions (I.E. Security is red, BASIC is Blue etc.)

- There will be an official timeline based on the 2 films and a supplement for Tron 2.0 (The timeline will help decide the "look" and "feel" of custom campaigns and designate any story importance to the plot.)

- Vehicle use based on experience

- User characters are given the respective "powers" seen in the films

- Profiles for main and side characters from each film

- NPC Bits and Bytes

. . . an Uprising supplement in the future?

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Posts: 2,440
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Saturday, January, 14, 2012 11:39 PM
So your designing this? If so are you selling them or do I not understand what this is?

Thanks to FlynnOne for the signature!

Save Tron 3!

Posts: 399
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Saturday, January, 14, 2012 11:48 PM
trekking95 Wrote:So your designing this? If so are you selling them or do I not understand what this is?

It would be a free downloadable "book".

I can't sell something that isn't my original idea. It's technically unofficial merch.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 2,440
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Sunday, January, 15, 2012 12:42 AM
So its just a book on how to play? Don't you need a board or anything? But then I don't know know much about real RPGs.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill

Thanks to FlynnOne for the signature!

Save Tron 3!

Posts: 606
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Sunday, January, 15, 2012 10:21 AM
Interesting. I used to play D&D and some Palladium games years back. Is your system mechanics going to be the 'classic' approach like Palladium Books' Robotech/TMNT, etc? OR would it be more simplified like the Star Wars RPGs? Or the Steve Jackson GURPs model?

If you do this online as a free game, make sure you add the copyright info that the license belongs to Disney. You could, technically, get their permission unless you luck out by approaching a publisher. I've done some illustrations here and there but not sure of exactly what kind of art you need. I'm sure there are other artists on this site who are fans of Tron who would be happy to help.

Cover art? Inside spot illustration? It's a matter of how professionally presented you want it to be.

Cheers Program.


Posts: 399
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Sunday, January, 15, 2012 12:56 PM
Pilgrim1099 Wrote:Interesting. I used to play D&D and some Palladium games years back. Is your system mechanics going to be the 'classic' approach like Palladium Books' Robotech/TMNT, etc? OR would it be more simplified like the Star Wars RPGs? Or the Steve Jackson GURPs model?

If you do this online as a free game, make sure you add the copyright info that the license belongs to Disney. You could, technically, get their permission unless you luck out by approaching a publisher. I've done some illustrations here and there but not sure of exactly what kind of art you need. I'm sure there are other artists on this site who are fans of Tron who would be happy to help.

Cover art? Inside spot illustration? It's a matter of how professionally presented you want it to be.


I'm not to familiar with Palladium's systems, but from what I know right now, this is probably going to be closer to a D&D type thing, It's a "Gamer's" game is how my friend put it. We almost used GURPS, but decided are own system suits the property better

When it comes to the art, I may want to try a collab job with a few people for a cover, I was going to use my sketches for spot stuff. As soon as I have some chapters listed out I wanted to have some color 1-page splash type stuff in a range of styles,as long as it looks like TRON.

If a chapter is about character creation, the art could be an image of a program being written or Flynn creating Clu 2.0 etc.


Posts: 399
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Sunday, February, 05, 2012 9:36 PM
Fairly decent update, all subject to change though:


- Hacking
Ability to break/alter code (open secure areas, break firewalls, stealth/disguise etc.), fake permissions and disable vehicles or equipment
NOTE: Aside from Hacker programs, this ability is learned. Security characters cannot learn this ability.

- Reprogramming
(User) Change the function of a program (highly unlikely success rate)

- Anti-Virus add on
Prevents or lowers damage or infection from viral attacks.

- Disc/Staff/Katana Expert
Bonus to combat when using specified weapon (limit one per player. Gained by User characters)

- Multi disc
Use more than one disc at a time (limit of 2. Maybe a “disc launcher” allows more?)

- I/O Expert
Better at accessing restricted or locked I/O towers.

- Logic expert
Programs with functions related to accounting or similar applications have a higher charisma when speaking to security programs and other programs with similar functions. (“Who does he calculate he is?” etc.)

- Security connections
Security programs can use security stations to call reinforcements (usually basic ICPs, nothing too fancy that could ruin the game). After the conflict is over the ICPs return to their normal route.

NOTE: if the security program who summoned them is doing something “illegal”, the ICPs already there will attack the player, and request reinforcements themselves. Hackers can deactivate security stations to prevent this from happening

- Legendary/User
Programs that are famous (like Tron) or known Users (like Flynn) are given great respect, meaning they are more likely to succeed when asking programs for assistance (This excludes enemies, viruses and certain hackers).

NOTE: This ability has to be gained for new characters playing as users, usually through telling other programs or completing a quest

- Renounced Beliefs
Program characters who have renounced their belief in the users have a higher charisma when speaking to programs with security functions. They are also “promoted” when placed in a game grid (more likely to survive and are considered “champions”)

- Code Repair
Gives player the ability to repair partially derezzed allies/players. Cannot transfer energy, only repair derezz related wounds. (Learned for users)
Recognizer Pilot/ Tank Pilot/ Lightcycle Jockey
Your better at a designated vehicle. One vehicle per player. Has to be earned by User characters.


- Infect Area
Covers terrain and fragments the ground, vehicles or equipment.

- Fragment
Literally tears a program apart with a virus, close combat only.

- Convert
After touching an enemy, the virus may turn the enemy into a virus program.

- Spam
Can intercept and disconnect programs and users using an I/O tower.


- Energy Transfer
Programs can transfer energy to another program, essentially healing them. Can also interrupt or redirect energy flow (HEAVY health cost)

- Energy Over-ride
Can reactivate dead or powerless tanks and recognizers

- Disc Readers
User characters do not require discs and can re-write empty ones and use other discs to repair or “read” other programs


Functions dictate a programs purpose within the computer world. It also helps describe an integral part of their physical description: Their circuitry color.

- Users

Circuitry Color: White or any shade of blue

Though not technically programs, Users are real human beings who have been “translated” into the computer world. They look almost exactly like programs, however Users can create more energy for themselves naturally, giving them special powers. Users do not require discs.


Circuitry Color: Any shade of blue or lighter green, sometimes purple

Basics are the primary programs that carry out the most common tasks for computers. Examples include: Email programs, calculators, mp3 players, data management, word processors, system monitors, scripts for video games etc.

- Security

Circuitry Color: All shades of Red

Security programs are designed to protect the computer world from threats and keep the system running without error. Security programs can range from basic peace-keepers to advanced military-like anti-viral Kernals (Colonels).

- Hackers

Circuitry Color: Yellow or Orange, often in-between (Yellow could mean more
sophisticated purpose I.E. Clu 2.0)

Hacking programs are designed to break the law, in one way or another. Hacking programs can be something as simple as a Torrent-ing program to fake identity stealing script breakers.

- Viruses

Circuitry Color: Dark to neon Green

Viruses can either be former programs (or Users!) that have been converted or written specifically, to spread a virus. Virus programs tend to be “fragmented”, their bodies are partially separated and “hover” into place. Their circuitry tends to be broken and fragmented with bright green virus energy.
(I think we REALLY need this to keep a complete timeline of both films)

- ISOs

Circuitry Color: White or medium green (Bostrum colony) can “disguise” themselves with blue circuitry

ISOs are self-generating A.I. within the computer world. They are essentially the computer world’s version of people. ISO’s tend to be highly religious, always seeking out the advice of the Users. They also have a rounder sense of design and tend to wear loose-fitting robe-like attire. ISO’s, like users, do not require a disc.

NOTE: ISOs are only available in certain time periods and locations. Consult the Timeline for more information.


- Discs
Discs are the item which holds a programs code, however it is used as both an offensive and defensive weapon. Discs are thrown at the enemy like a Frisbee. When thrown the disc is covered in a deadly energy that can derezz the enemy almost instantaneously. The disc is partially sentient and will fly back into the thrower’s hand, like a boomerang. Sometimes, the disc can attack more than one enemy in the same throw by turning towards them. Discs are also used to block discs and other users. Certain aspects of the Disc can be upgraded with “Disc Mods” (bonuses to Accuracy, different kinds of damage, viral etc.)

- Staves
Staves are offensive weapons that conduct a tazer-like energy on each end, which can momentarily stun the enemy.

- Light Katana/Swords
Swords that are ejected from Lightcycle Batons that utilize a blade made entirely of deadly energy. Used essentially in the same way a sword is.

NOTE: Anyone who calls the Light Katana a “Light Saber” will be smacked with a wet fish.

Working on vehicles.

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Posts: 4,349
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Monday, February, 06, 2012 1:35 AM
Sounds very interesting. I'd like to play this when it's finished.

I think me and a friend were trying to work on a Tron tabletop RPG game. Didn't really get too far, unfortunately.

I haven't really followed this too much, so I don't know if these ideas have been mentioned or implemented or whatever, but here's some ideas:

-Some form of arena disc battles, or just a general disc battle system for random encounters with armed enemies.
-Lightcycle battles. If you keep it in four directions or as a hexagonal grid, it might be possible. Could be turn-based where all players decide which direction they're going to go, and then execute that turn at the same time (like the PC games Frozen Synapse and Flotilla).
-Vehicle customization
-Use vehicles to "fast-travel"

trekking95 Wrote:So its just a book on how to play? Don't you need a board or anything? But then I don't know know much about real RPGs.

Generally, the way tabletop RPG games (like Dungeons and Dragons and Gamma World) work is that the game-makers will provide a book with instructions on how the game works and how certain situations are handled. One player is chosen to be the "Game Master" or "Dungeon Master". This player determines the actual story, what enemies players encounter, and so on. Some tabletop RPG games have additional books that provide storylines, in case the Game Master can't think of a story.

As far as boards go, sometimes they require a board, sometimes they don't. For example, while exploring a dungeon in Dungeons and Dragons, you would likely use a board with the dungeon drawn out on it on a square grid, which players move across. In other cases, the Game Master might say "You are in a field where an evil skeleton is about to shoot you with a crossbow!" Players respond by telling the Game Master what they want to do, and then roll dice to determine if it worked. So I could respond with "I attack the skeleton with a magic fireball.", roll a die, and if my roll is high enough, my magic fireball successfully flies towards and hits the evil skeleton. However, if my roll is too low, it might backfire and kill me instead.

Hopefully all that made sense.abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
I'll play any mode, but I'm best at LC.

PSN - TRON-dll
XBOX Live/Games for Windows Live - TRONdll
-I have a Wii, DS, and 3DS. PM me to exchange friend codes.

Posts: 399
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Monday, February, 06, 2012 3:30 PM
TRON.dll Wrote:
-Some form of arena disc battles, or just a general disc battle system for random encounters with armed enemies.
-Lightcycle battles. If you keep it in four directions or as a hexagonal grid, it might be possible. Could be turn-based where all players decide which direction they're going to go, and then execute that turn at the same time (like the PC games Frozen Synapse and Flotilla).
-Vehicle customization
-Use vehicles to "fast-travel"

Thanks for the input!

We actually had some similar ideas, I wouldn't even consider a game without the game grid worked out.

I Love the turn-based Lightcycle idea, I'm hoping we can try something like that, I'll have to talk it over.

Fast travel may be limited to certain vehicles. Definitely a must for lightcycles traveling through Grids or citys.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 399
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Friday, March, 02, 2012 7:37 PM
Still just managing definitions:


- Light Cycle

Light Cycles are essentially one man vehicles generated by baton. They are closely related to the real world motorcycle. The vehicles only last as long as the rider has enough “energy” to generate them.

- Recognizers

Recognizers are essentially flying reconnaissance craft of the computer world. They resemble upside-down letter U’s and hover over the ground like helicopters. They are capable of turning 360 degrees while moving or idle and can fly backwards. Recognizers are not as intuitive as light-cycles, so anyone who is not a recognizer pilot will have to overcome a learning curve. Every Recognizer carries a built-in ‘bit’, who essentially becomes an assisting NPC. Most recognizers can carry passengers and only require one pilot.

Classic Recognizers can transform their landing prongs to ‘squash’ a program, this captures said program and carries them to the deck.

Legacy era recognizers have a transforming prisoner bay that can only be accessed when the recognizer has landed.
Some recognizers drive data transfer trains over solar sailor lines, these are less common.

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Posts: 182
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Friday, June, 01, 2012 8:13 PM
Everything looks phenomenal, I can't wait til you're done so I can try it.


Posts: 248
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Friday, June, 08, 2012 5:03 AM
Well, if you want to write up things about Program society, you're free to use concepts I put in my fanfic, like "the Call" (what a Program fees when a User is trying to contact them), "bundled" (rough equivalent of marriage or family unit, and not necessarily monogamous); merely credit if you do!

It's an entire universe in there, one we created, but it's beyond us now. Really. It's outgrown us. You know, every time you shut off your you know what you're doing? Have you ever reformatted a hard drive? Deleted old software? Destroyed an entire universe?"

-- Jet Bradley, Tron: Ghost in the Machine on why being a User isn't necessarily a good thing.

Posts: 415
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Monday, July, 16, 2012 6:27 AM
It would be cool if you used something like inklewriter to write single player campaigns.


Posts: 606
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Monday, July, 16, 2012 9:16 AM
mastercilinder Wrote:
Pilgrim1099 Wrote:Interesting. I used to play D&D and some Palladium games years back. Is your system mechanics going to be the 'classic' approach like Palladium Books' Robotech/TMNT, etc? OR would it be more simplified like the Star Wars RPGs? Or the Steve Jackson GURPs model?

If you do this online as a free game, make sure you add the copyright info that the license belongs to Disney. You could, technically, get their permission unless you luck out by approaching a publisher. I've done some illustrations here and there but not sure of exactly what kind of art you need. I'm sure there are other artists on this site who are fans of Tron who would be happy to help.

Cover art? Inside spot illustration? It's a matter of how professionally presented you want it to be.


I'm not to familiar with Palladium's systems, but from what I know right now, this is probably going to be closer to a D&D type thing, It's a "Gamer's" game is how my friend put it. We almost used GURPS, but decided are own system suits the property better

When it comes to the art, I may want to try a collab job with a few people for a cover, I was going to use my sketches for spot stuff. As soon as I have some chapters listed out I wanted to have some color 1-page splash type stuff in a range of styles,as long as it looks like TRON.

If a chapter is about character creation, the art could be an image of a program being written or Flynn creating Clu 2.0 etc.

The D&D rules are classic in their own right, especially version 1.0 or 2.0. Version 3.5 was'nt bad but 4.0 is questionable due to the new generation. And of course, they're working on the next version of D&D, so yeah, get some headache pills because we're all gonna get migraines trying to adapt to it again.

GURPS is old school and is simple enough to follow. As long as you keep the mechanics simple, the game flows better. Palladium is very similar to the old D&D rules, but it does have some unique qualities to it. I have their Robotech books (original prints from the 80s and early 90s) and they did a beautiful job with it.

You might want to consider using a PDF format for this game to produce as a digital booklet for the tablet market or as a download for Tron Sector here.


Posts: 399
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Friday, December, 21, 2012 1:41 AM
Pilgrim1099 Wrote:
mastercilinder Wrote:
Pilgrim1099 Wrote:Interesting. I used to play D&D and some Palladium games years back. Is your system mechanics going to be the 'classic' approach like Palladium Books' Robotech/TMNT, etc? OR would it be more simplified like the Star Wars RPGs? Or the Steve Jackson GURPs model?

If you do this online as a free game, make sure you add the copyright info that the license belongs to Disney. You could, technically, get their permission unless you luck out by approaching a publisher. I've done some illustrations here and there but not sure of exactly what kind of art you need. I'm sure there are other artists on this site who are fans of Tron who would be happy to help.

Cover art? Inside spot illustration? It's a matter of how professionally presented you want it to be.


I'm not to familiar with Palladium's systems, but from what I know right now, this is probably going to be closer to a D&D type thing, It's a "Gamer's" game is how my friend put it. We almost used GURPS, but decided are own system suits the property better

When it comes to the art, I may want to try a collab job with a few people for a cover, I was going to use my sketches for spot stuff. As soon as I have some chapters listed out I wanted to have some color 1-page splash type stuff in a range of styles,as long as it looks like TRON.

If a chapter is about character creation, the art could be an image of a program being written or Flynn creating Clu 2.0 etc.

The D&D rules are classic in their own right, especially version 1.0 or 2.0. Version 3.5 was'nt bad but 4.0 is questionable due to the new generation. And of course, they're working on the next version of D&D, so yeah, get some headache pills because we're all gonna get migraines trying to adapt to it again.

GURPS is old school and is simple enough to follow. As long as you keep the mechanics simple, the game flows better. Palladium is very similar to the old D&D rules, but it does have some unique qualities to it. I have their Robotech books (original prints from the 80s and early 90s) and they did a beautiful job with it.

You might want to consider using a PDF format for this game to produce as a digital booklet for the tablet market or as a download for Tron Sector here.

I'm thinking PDF too.

We're writing bits and pieces as we speak right now, so I'd compile it later.

Wish us luck!


Posts: 51
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Thursday, January, 24, 2013 4:56 PM
Just wanted to chime in and say, I'm INCREDIBLY interested in this project. Being a designer, if you guys want to design the PDF's, and make it into a gorgeous PDF Tabletop, I am most certainly down to assist in any way I can.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill

TRON: Gridlines
A new TRON community, for a new Digital Age.

Posts: 77
RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

on Thursday, January, 24, 2013 10:05 PM
I'm liking what I'm seeing in this thread.

I started a Unisystem conversion and made some character sheets for it using Photoshop. I'll lend a hand on the project, as well.

Here's some stuff I worked out in a rough Tron 2.0 conversion, with some additions, but all of it is a work in progress. I have also included references to resources either used or intended to use.

Tron Tabletop RPG
Level Alpha (Red) advancement requires build notes
  • From version 0.000
  • To version 10.000

Level Beta (Green) advancement requires build notes
  • From version 10.001
  • To version 20.000

Level Gold (Yellow/Gold) advancement requires build notes
  • From version 20.001
  • To version 30.000

Primary Stats (max level 10) - selection may change

Secondary Stats (max level 10)
Health - indicates factor and value of damage threshold.
Energy - indicates factor and value of energy reserve.
Weapon Efficiency - indicates factor and value of combat subroutine operation.
Transfer - indicates factor and value of upload/download capability.
Processor - indicates factor and value of performance optimization.

System ToolsDefrag - Tool used to optimize organization of data to optimize performance.
Disinfect - Tool used to clean a program’s system of corruption.
Port - Tool used to import non-standard or unidentified subroutines and protocols.

PrimitivesBall - data controller in the form of a sphere; can be used as a weapon
Baton/Rod - data controller in the form of a baton/rod; can be used as a weapon
DataDisc - data controller in the form of a disc; can be used as a weapon
Mesh - data controller in the form of a glove/mesh cover; can be used as a weapon

System Allocation in the Memory Ring for active subroutines
  • 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 (totally open)
  • 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 (totally closed)
  • 111 alpha sub-routine slot fill
  • 11 beta sub-routine slot fill
  • 1 gold sub-routine slot fill

  • Ball Grenade
  • Ball Launcher
  • Drunken Dims
  • Storm

  • Baton/Rod
  • LOL
  • Rifles
  • Suffusion
  • Sword

  • Defensive
  • Base Damping
  • Confuse
  • Encryption
  • Peripheral Seal
  • Submask
  • Support Safeguard
  • Viral Shield

  • Disc
  • Absorber
  • Cluster
  • Disc
  • Sequencer

  • Mesh
  • Blaster
  • Burst Cannon
  • Energy Claw
  • Pranster Bit

  • Utility
  • Corrosion
  • Disguise
  • Fuzzy Signature
  • Megahurtz
  • Power Block
  • Primitive Charge
  • Profiler
  • Triangulation
  • Virus Scan
  • Y-Amp
  • Z-Boost

  • Advanced Program Powers
  • Appropriate
  • Reprogram

  • USER Powers
  • Construct (pronounced CON-struct) - create new Programs and objects
  • Reactivate - activate dormant constructs
  • Reconstruct
  • Regain Energy - sudden energy boost (second wind)
  • Regenerate - recharge of energy at a regular interval rate
  • Repurpose - absorb a Construct
  • Re-Rez - prevent a program from Derezzing
  • Transfer Energy - divert energy from one source to another

  • Program Aides
  • Bit
  • Byte
  • Optimizer

  • Threats
  • Datawraiths
  • GridBugs
  • Rector Scripts
  • Resource Hogs

  • Vehicles
  • Command Carrier
  • Escape Pod
  • Lightcycle
  • Lightrail
  • Lightskiff
  • Recognizer
  • Solar Sailer
  • Sweeper
  • Tank
  • Transport Tug

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    / / S C A N N I N G
    / / Incompatable Program detected
    / / Initiate Yggdrassil Conscription Potocol
    "Appropriation is the highest form of appreciation."


    Posts: 30
    RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

    on Wednesday, January, 30, 2013 9:16 PM
    I would be extremely interestrying this out, keep it up!


    Posts: 2
    RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

    on Wednesday, March, 27, 2013 6:19 PM
    I too started writing a Tron RPG back in High School (~1993). That project got put on hold with University prep, but I've recently rekindled my interest in it. I can't find any of my old notes (big surprise) but I remember the important points (or they weren't important enough to remember). So, 2 days later of searching the internet and this forum is the best that I can find on the subject.

    Like some have said before, I've looked at using Paranoia as a core system. Both system wise & setting, it only requires a few minor tweaks to work, but that didn't quite satisfy me. I wanted it to be a fast-paced game, to mirror the speed and processes of a computer. I looked at the "Zap" rules for Paranoia (For those who don't know, Paranoia comes with 3 flavors of rules: one fore slow paced intrigue and spying & PvP, one for more "normal" RPG adventure mode and one for fast, action-based, lazer battling, frequent death and other other kind of PvP). I still wasn't quite satisfied.

    I resulted with a system that was based on d100. The modern human mind thinks and calculates in 100% based systems quickly and intuitively. Many people look at a d20 system and mentally calculate the % chances (need a 16 or better to hit? = 25% success). I didn't want a straight distribution for stats, so I was trying to build multiple dice stats. The more dice you use to roll your stats, the more of a Bell Curve you get.
    For Example: Old School AD&D used stats basically ranging from 1-20, but instead of rolling a d20 for your stats you rolled 3d6, meaning that your stats ranged from 3-18 with most rolls tending to be towards the "average" (9-11). 5d20 would give a similar effect where stats would range from 5-100, and a bell curve would mean you could expect most stats near 50.

    That doesn't quite satisfy me. I'm wanting to bring my years of Statistics classes to bear to build a proper and well balanced system, but that's boring.

    I hadn't hammered out the details, but I was going to use a skill system similar to Call of Cthulhu (based in %, where you want to roll d100 lower than your skill, and some skills are modified depending on your stats). "Called Shots" (I'm thinking of things like ricocheting disk throws) would effect a "penalty" lowering the skill number that you want to roll bellow. Say I have a Disk Throw sill of 48%, and I want to make a complex shot that will bounce of two walls and hit my opponent in the back. The GM (or MCP?) assigns a modifier of 15% (5% for the first bounce, 10% for the second). Then I want to roll (48 - 15) 33 or lower on a d100. Combat (and skill usage) would be fast and intuitive.

    Leveling & Skills
    This gets more complicated. I was wanting this to have a more modular feel to it. I like the idea of being able to "Upgrade" and even Swap-out some "Program Enhancements" in favor of others.
    I was going to replace XP with things like "Data Storage Capacity" and "CPU Usage." The former would be points that you could spend on things that would make your "Program's Code" more complex. You could "Delete" some modifications/skills/abilities and get the points refunded to spend on new mods. The latter would give you more powerful abilities and processing potential. There are flaws inherent in this that I have not worked out yet.

    Lastly, if I wanted to keep a fast-paced game system, I'd probably need to incorporate a whole Miniatures & Maps system for moving vehicles & the rather common vehicular combat. I never worked out a good way to do fast-paced Light-Cycle battles other than Dry Erase Markers. It's one of those things that just doesn't transfer well form Video Game to Pen&Paper.
    Then, looking at the Tron: Legacy movie, my mind boggles at how one could have those flying things with the "Light Ribbon" behind them, and then try to portray that on table-top. Without having a single action sequence take 3 hours to play-out.
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    Posts: 2
    RE: The TRON Tabletop RPG Project Has Been Rebooted.

    on Wednesday, March, 27, 2013 7:02 PM
    I really like the stuff that you've got here already.

    Story note:

    I'd just drop the "Users" from the game entirely. The programs in the movies referred to Users like Gods. I thought of the Users as being either the Players or as Gods themselves. They are, after all, the Creators of the programs and the digital environment.

    Maybe reserve them for NPCs?

    Other than that, I really like the stuff that you've spelled out already. I like that you aren't trying to fit another game system into it. We don't need "Spell Casters," Fighters, Clerics & Rogues in a Tron based system. (In my original version, I tried to do that, making Wizards into "Function Users" and Fighters = Games, Clerics = User Interface Programs, Rogues = Hacker programs. It was Lame.)

    Programs/Characters that we saw in the movies (and other fiction) were Security Programs, Flynn's Hacker Program, Simulation Programs, Statistical Analyzers, Security, User Interface, Viruses, and random other programs (Actuarial Program from an accounting office). I'd give specific program types a set of base skills. I've seen this in many game systems where "Professions" or Character Classes get to start with certain Base Skills, or get Discounts/Penalties when purchasing skills/abilities.

    Once we start getting into the Matrix/Grid idea that everything is a program, the "walls" & buildings, Vehicles, etc, we start to hit a conundrum. What constitutes a "Program" that has some level of sentience and can be a Player Character? What constitutes a program, that is just lines of code turned into objects or machinery? The light beam transport thing (in the original Tron) was a "Solar Sail Simulation Program" but the girl was a Statistical Analysis Program. She was created to analyze the solar sail program. Or was she created as the Simulation Program, and part of fulfilling her programming was to "create" a virtual Solar Sail and then analyze it?

    If we use the second option, all objects fall into 3 categories:
    1) Usable Objects (light cycles, seekers, tanks, etc, even ID Disks) are now part of a Program's Code and can be used, modified or adopted. These are all the things that change color based on who owns them. Floating Bits would be like a "Familiar" that is actually a part of your Program's code or part of the code of the Vehicle/Object. Your Light Cycle bar is then a part of your code and should be reflected on your character sheet. Using my model, you would have a limited amount of Data/Storage and could only have a limited number of vehicles at any given time. Clu's massive ship would have to be accounted for as part of his code then?
    2) Interface-able Objects/Machines. This would include "computers" within the Grid. (We saw many consoles & such on the large ships in both movies.) It would also include aspects of the Games (like the machine that drops the Ball in Flynn's first game, and the Rings that he stands on) and other things that one can interact with. Could these be programs that could become "Programs" (Characters)? Would these need to be clearly delineated as something else?
    3) Setting / Scenery / Hardware. This would include IO Towers, Light Highways, Housing Blocks, Buildings, Infrastructure, and even the Bar in Legacy, and the Watering Hole in Tron. We could simply think of all of this as Hardware, most of it with real world, physical counterparts in your computer attached to the Motherboard. We could add in Graphics Boards (with their own RAM & CPU), other media boards, and peripherals. Note: Some Hardware required Programs to operate. The IO Tower had that old program and his "home" as the gate-keeper to using the tower. Maybe power sources would be "regulated" by a very powerful and influential Program.

    We've only seen 2 Users enter the entire story of Tron, ever. And they both got in-out via the same magic Lazer that acts equivalent to the Star Trek: Transporter Beam. (Remember, the started out by transporting an apple.) It just doesn't feel right to me to begin populating the Grid with more "Users" even if they are "Special Player Characters."

    Legacy gave us a GREAT gimmick that deserves to be used. The Iso programs, organically spawned AI Programs. There were the only actual Artificial Intelligence that we saw other than the MCP (and he was bad). Truly LIVING programs. Heck, you could make the game so that ALL PCs are Iso Programs, or just make Iso a special "class."

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