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 Version upgrade tokens and Felicia.

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Posts: 7
Version upgrade tokens and Felicia.

on Thursday, April, 21, 2011 11:18 AM
Pretty cool game.

It was actually a lot easier then I thought it would be, yet it was a lot longer than expected. They could have shortened it by 30% and it still would have been a good value.

I was surprised by the credits. Lisberger(s), Boxlitner, Morgan, Rebecca Romaine for goodness’ sake (sha-wing) and Syd Mead?… awesome!

Jet’s voice-over was a bit corny, but over all, pretty well done, right down to the “oranges”, nice touch.

The only thing I would have changed would be to make it possible to skip the cut scenes.

It would have been nice to have more than 10 saved game slots too.

It would have also been nice to make it possible to maximize all weapons, health, energy, transfer rates, etc.

Being prevented from achieving your highest potential leaves one feeling a bit short changed.

By the way, the version upgrade tokens are not entirely correct. Even if you collect all 100 tokens, it does not guarantee the highest version number.

The first time I played through this game, I missed 4 tokens. (I didn’t have a manual, and had to learn everything as I went along), but I still scored higher than the second time I played through and collected all 100 tokens.

I must admit though, that on the second play-through, I gave up reading every single email, and downloading every subroutine. It just got too repetitious. Maybe that had something to do with it.

I don’t remember accomplishing every single task, but I assume you cannot advance to the next task before completing all previous task in the correct order. I really didn’t go back and scrutinize every single aspect of the programming, but the chain of event triggers seemed pretty tight to me.

All in all, I give it a 10.

8 for a generally well rounded FPS, and 2 for sticking so closely to the original TRON spirit.

PS. I wish there was a way to free Felicia from the jail cell. That poor thing! :-)

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
RE: Version upgrade tokens and Felicia.

on Thursday, April, 21, 2011 7:59 PM

jkflipflop Wrote:
The only thing I would have changed would be to make it possible to skip the cut scenes.

You can. Hit the spacebar to skip them.

It would have also been nice to make it possible to maximize all weapons, health, energy, transfer rates, etc.

The Killer App Mod allows that.

By the way, the version upgrade tokens are not entirely correct. Even if you collect all 100 tokens, it does not guarantee the highest version number.

That's the way it's supposed to be. Getting all the build notes doesn't guarantee a perfect score, because there are certain other objectives and tasks you have to complete that are optional (or easy to miss). Unless you do or find everything, you won't get that perfect score.

PS. I wish there was a way to free Felicia from the jail cell. That poor thing! :-)

Again, the Killer App Mod will allow you to do that. Sort of. You can open the cell with the permissions cheat, but nothing will happen because the game wasn't designed to reward you for it.

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Posts: 7
RE: Version upgrade tokens and Felicia.

on Thursday, April, 21, 2011 11:17 PM
TronFAQ Wrote:

jkflipflop Wrote:
The only thing I would have changed would be to make it possible to skip the cut scenes.

You can. Hit the spacebar to skip them.

Yep. I just caught that earlier today.

After beginning to replay it again, for the third time, of course after testing each key, the space bar just had to be next to last! :-)

I’m playing through it again to see just exactly what constitutes the highest version score.

I also noticed the build notes are not always in the same place.

Will report back later if there is anything new to add.

Thanks TFAQ

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  Tron 2.0 
 Version upgrade tokens and Felicia.