I no longer keep up with it anymore. I decided to quit trying to outrank anyone on it.
The fact that you can get to the top # spot by simply playing a bunch of offline grid matches to quickly and easily rake up derezz points (which you can tell by simply looking at their score sheet, the number of derezzes vs how many times the gamer played in specific matches) you can clearly see it would be as if they continuously wiped everyone out in every single game without being wiped which in all honesty, is hardly possible when I and a few others easily took these so called "top contenders" out on a regular basis. Yet the rest of us are still struggling our way up to the top. But that's because we're doing it the hard way.
To me, the Tron Evolution Leader board is like the MTV music awards. It's insignificant and no longer a reliable source for classifying who is really good at this game. Especially the top eleven gamers whom have hacked their way up, according to their EXP points being uncapped.
Non of them even reached 1000 G points for reaching all achievements in Tron Evolution. And they mark themselves out as pros in their profiles.
I also believe some of them either got banned from Live Games for tampering or they quit playing completely because non except BurstCEO have been active on the grid since over a month ago and some even since late December. That's kinda odd. Unless they just decided to cheat from day one and quit. a waste of time and effort but its theirs to waste I guess.
It's too bad really.
Well if any of you find me on the grid playing, be sure to say hello. I've added some of you so I hope to play with you. Don't worry, I'm not an aggressive player. I tend to back off when I notice a gamer is probably trying to get the hang of the grid matches. I'm not that great myself but I've been keen on the Light Cycle matches.
Rock on dudes!
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