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 Bubble variation on international cards.

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Posts: 6
Bubble variation on international cards.

on Monday, January, 17, 2011 6:37 AM
Hello there everybody,

I just got my toys today from two different sources; a toy store in UK and a toy store in Spain.
All the figures come in the international edition card with several languages on the back (and no pictures), but there's 2 clear differences between the ones coming from the UK and the ones bought in Spain.

The UK ones come with a removable tab to prevent the use of the light-up gimmick until it is removed. Also the holes in front of the chest to activate the light are signaled with a "TRY ME" sticker.

The Spanish ones didn't come with a tab so, at first, obviously, I thought the tab had been pulled out previously at the store, but when I looked closely I saw that the hole from where the tab sticks out is covered (althought it kinda looks like tape in the pic, it is not tape, it is just the outer bubble -there's one for the figure and an outer one- covering the hole of the inner one).
You can see the UK version on top and the Spanish one under it in the next picture:

Also, the sticker for the gimmick doesn't have the "TRY ME" lettering. Instead, it has a picture of a hand doing the pushing action as you can see in the picture.


Posts: 52
RE: Bubble variation on international cards.

on Monday, January, 17, 2011 7:25 AM
I thought they all were shipped from the factory with the tab in place and then once at the store, if they so choose, the stores would remove them once placed out on the shelves. I have found several figures here in the US with the tabs still in place. Also my Kevin Flynn light cycle still has its tab.

As for the "try me" my figures also have that as well. I would imagine all of the non-English speaking countries would have the picture version of the sticker.


Posts: 6
RE: Bubble variation on international cards.

on Monday, January, 17, 2011 7:33 AM
I thought that too, but (I got the Spanish versions of Kevin Flynn and Sam Flynn) both of them have the outer bubble covering the hole in the inner one, therefore it is factory made -as opposed to a store covering it with cello tape or similar (even if I don't see the point in doing this-).

More clearly in the Kevin Flynn one, since the Sam one -the one in the comparision picture- looks like it doesn't even have a hole in the inner bubble.

By the way, calling it "Spanish version" may be a bit of a stretch since the only difference with similar international cards (or non-UK, non-USA cards) would be a sticker in the back with the Spanish distributor BIZAK sign on it.


Posts: 241
RE: Bubble variation on international cards.

on Monday, January, 17, 2011 6:58 PM
ive seen a series one clu here in alabama that had the sticker variation on the package last weekend


Posts: 393
RE: Bubble variation on international cards.

on Monday, January, 17, 2011 9:56 PM
Yes - they're called "Card Variations".

Actually, Clu's Command Ship cards are different between Series 1 and Series 2...

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 Bubble variation on international cards.