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 Curious on opinions from ya'll

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Posts: 3
Curious on opinions from ya'll

on Wednesday, January, 12, 2011 12:27 AM
What do you think personally, from all of your points of view, that original production TRON cels would be worth if they had really special or just great scenes from the old TRON?

My brother, who tragically took his life in November had collected over the years, some cels from the original movie. Scene with Sark himself, scene with Flynn and Yori before they kiss, scene with Jai alai fight (not flynn but other guy that gets derezzed), Tron close up I believe when he's defiantly fightin for the users, and one of original CLU in the tank he was using. I'm personally loathe to part with any of them but it's my mothers decision. I would love to keep one for at the very least remembering my brother (as would my mom and there is ALOT of backstory that I dont plan to burden anyone with in this) and the fact he's the one that made the me Tron fan I am today. I mean to me I feel they are just beyond rare since whatever layer you have is the only one that exists ya know?

I just wanted to know what you other Tron fans thought ... if my mom were to try to sell them what would be a good place to start? She'd been supporting my brother for a long time and she really needs to build her reserve of money back up after our dad died only a year ago before my brother. I must sound awful ... but I truly am not wanting to know just for pure money's sake ... I want to know from people that know so much about this and what you all think. So please dont take what I have said in any way as disrespectful to my brother ... I wish I could take him to Legacy so bad it's unbelievable. I hate to part with them myself ... I just want opinions from others. I feel they are worth so much due to 1) age, 2) rarity and no movie ever made like it before and 3) the scenes are just wonderful.

So if you dont hate me for even posting this I'm really just curious as to how you all would feel on those cels since they are so amazing? And again I apologize if I sound callous It hurts me to write this,yet I know my brother LOVED this site and had his own back in the day. He and I were so into Legacy and what it was going to be. So yeah I'm just wondering what you all think since this is the end of line of Tron lovers right on line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill onlineorder abortion pill where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online


Posts: 168
RE: Curious on opinions from ya'll

on Wednesday, January, 12, 2011 10:40 AM
A good place to start would be looking at completed listings on eBay for items similar to those you own. Hope that helps.


Posts: 393
RE: Curious on opinions from ya'll

on Wednesday, January, 12, 2011 1:48 PM
Van Eaton Galleries sold them back in the 90's - see if you can do them on consignment.

There are a lot of eBay buyer scams going about - so working with a gallery would be safer.

Sorry to hear about your loss...abortion pills online cytotec abortion

Sector Admin

Posts: 413
RE: Curious on opinions from ya'll

on Thursday, January, 13, 2011 12:03 AM
I'd be interested in taking a look at what you've got. If you wanted to PM me.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online

"Like the man said, there's no problems, only solutions"-Kevin Flynn, prior to his entry into the electronic world- 1982

Posts: 3
RE: Curious on opinions from ya'll

on Thursday, January, 13, 2011 12:06 AM
ok tronprogram I'll let my mom know and get the pictures of the cels from her to show you


Posts: 113
RE: Curious on opinions from ya'll

on Thursday, January, 13, 2011 7:43 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about your family's loss... to lose both your father and brother is just awful.

My wife and kids almost lost me due to my recent risky heart surgery but with God's grace I'm still here today, so my absolute best wishes to you and your mom.

Please feel free to message me with what you have for sale... if I can help you guys out and buy something then I'll be happy to do so.

All the best,

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 Curious on opinions from ya'll