nagumobean User
Posts: 6 | Blisters at Disney UK Store on Tuesday, January, 11, 2011 7:07 AM
Hello there,
Any British (or European) collectors can confirm if the blisters for the 3" line sold at the DISNEY UK STORE are the standard ones or the international (with several languages and boooooring packaging)?
Thank you very much in advance.
tronprogram Sector Admin
Posts: 413 | RE: Blisters at Disney UK Store on Tuesday, January, 11, 2011 1:03 PM
Several languages.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill
"Like the man said, there's no problems, only solutions"-Kevin Flynn, prior to his entry into the electronic world- 1982 |
nagumobean User
Posts: 6 | RE: Blisters at Disney UK Store on Tuesday, January, 11, 2011 1:51 PM
Lame (but expected).
Thanks for the info! where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online