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 The Medicom Conundrum

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The Medicom Conundrum

on Monday, December, 27, 2010 10:42 PM
Greetings Programs:

So for years all we Tron fans had to purchase by way of miniature replicas of our favorite characters were the ornamentally cool but functionally sad Tomy figures from 1982. Let's be honest, they're great figures because of who they represent, but the figures themselves, well they're no better than Vintage Star Wars. The problem also resided in that the figures themselves were never really well marketed at retail, I was 11 at the time of the movie's release and I could NEVER find them at local toy stores. The only time I've ever seen them at retail was at a vintage comic or toy store.

Then came Medicom and their Kubricks, which weren't QUITE as cool as the old school, but they were rare. And then sometime in the 2000's they released a series of light-cycles with coordinating 3 3/4" figures - and they were glow in the dark! OK they're really SKINNY and don't really represent the characters all that well, and WTF are they so expensive?

Oh and they NEVER hit retail here in the States, except at import stores, which for Medicom is not all that unusual. Those of you who own the figures, are they worth it or does the skinniness kill it for you? What's the quality of the toys themselves?

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 The Medicom Conundrum