WildWill User
Posts: 174 | Can I? on Sunday, December, 26, 2010 3:20 PM
Can I link to an eBay auction of some Tron: Legacy items I have up? I looked for the rules/faq of the forum and couldn't find them.
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | RE: Can I? on Sunday, December, 26, 2010 3:52 PM
Yes, people do it all the time.
Make sure to put it in between tags so it will be an active link. The tags for URLS here are url at the front and /url at the end encases in [ and ]
[ url ]EBAY URL[ /url ]
Take the spaces out of the brackets above and that would be how you do it.where to buy abortion pill http://blog.bitimpulse.com/template/default.aspx?abortion-types buy abortion pill online
WildWill User
Posts: 174 | RE: Can I? on Sunday, December, 26, 2010 7:08 PM
Thanks a ton. abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion