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 TRON Legacy and The Matrix trilogy: Some Similarities *SPOILERS for both!*

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Posts: 8
TRON Legacy and The Matrix trilogy: Some Similarities *SPOILERS for both!*

on Tuesday, December, 21, 2010 7:07 PM
A few fun interesting things I picked out while watching Legacy:

Sam/Neo: Hero that isn't sure of himself at first, but grows into the part. Not quite like everyone else (Sam is a user rather than a program, Neo can manipulate the Matrix in ways his friends can't). Has a goal/destiny to help save the world from dark forces.

Quorra/Trinity: Helps our hero along his journey. Gets him out of sticky situations and offers advice. Eventually becomes a close friend.

Flynn/Morpheus: Father figure (literally for Sam!), wisdom keeper. Key partner in guiding the hero to his goal. Has great patience.

Castor (Zues)/The Merovingian: Ultimate control freak. Doesn't do anything helpful without a high price and/or betrayal. Decadent. Runs a night club/bar/gathering place.

Other fun bits:

Sam and Trinity both like Ducati motorcycles
Both Quorra and Trinity offer Sam/Neo a lift in their car.
Flynn and Neo both have cloak-like outfits at some point.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 11
RE: TRON Legacy and The Matrix trilogy: Some Similarities *SPOILERS for both!*

on Tuesday, December, 21, 2010 10:08 PM
There is another one. Both Castor and The Merovingian have survived through multiple versions of their respective systems.

On the other hand, the two series worlds are opposite of each other. In Tron the real world is normal and the computer world is strange. In the Matrix the true world is the weird place and the computer world is normal like ours.


Posts: 155
RE: TRON Legacy and The Matrix trilogy: Some Similarities *SPOILERS for both!*

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 12:24 AM
Dualistic hero/villain must reintegrate in order to cancel their conflict out and restore peace.


Posts: 131
RE: TRON Legacy and The Matrix trilogy: Some Similarities *SPOILERS for both!*

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 4:06 AM
TL is very much like the Matrix Reloaded in that you can have a deeper richer experience if you've read Betrayal, played Evolution and participated in the ARG. But, if you haven't done any of those things, you can still enjoy the spectacle and what there is of a plot.

Posts: 2,056
RE: TRON Legacy and The Matrix trilogy: Some Similarities *SPOILERS for both!*

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 4:33 AM
Sam never showed any ability to manipulate "The Grid" in anyway. He's never regarded or addressed as any kind of "chosen one". He didn't have any kung-fu or gun skills uploaded into his brain. Sam never used Ak-47's or Uzis....

Quorra is a Iso, a digital being, where as Trinity was a real human, that plugged into The Matrix.

Quorra is both wise and naive/somewhat child-like, with a innocence aspect to her, she sees with eyes of child in a zen-like way.
Trinity was a full on soldier, controlling her emotions, not a seeking or showing much in the way of wisdom, she wasn't naive in any way. She was serious and firm much of the time.

Flynn is a genius in computer tech and programming, he's the only one shown to have "User Power" to alter code in the Grid, he's seen by some to be a god. Morpheus could not alter code in The Matrix other than super jumping and having someone on a computer upload new fighting skills and improvements to is RSI/avatar in his mind/in The Matrix. He has a totally different personality than Flynn. Flynn is a bit like Obi Wan, and not like Morpheus at all.

Castor was a two faces rat, flamboyant, and lively, The Merovingian was a snobbish, stuck up prick with a superiority complex. Any similarities they share is very thin.

The End of Line Club was a retro cyber-punkish electronica style, a touch of Blade Runner meets the "Milk Bar" from A Clockwork Orange. The club in The Matrix was a generic late 90's Goth-Industrial style Dance Club... them both being clubs is superflueous.

These similarities are all very very generalized and a bit of a stretch. Kosinski's main inspiration where Stanley Kubricks flims and some aspects of Blade Runner. Not The Matrix. Now I am both a hardcore Tron fan and a hardcore fan of The Matrix trilogy. IMO it really isn't neccessary to come up with vague, very generalized similarites. This all is kind of silly, it's like comparing the Wizard of Oz to Narnia or comparing the "similarities" of Narnia to Lord of the Rings. Just because a film or book is in the same genre doens't mean that the all have exact similarities. Any similarites are due to the genre they are in and mostly superfluous in my view.

No offence, but I really wish people would drop the idea that "Tron Legacy is just like The Matrix". No, it's not.

TL is about a father and son reuniting and reconciling, an A.I. doppleganger/ Flynn's "shadow" twisting it's programing and becoming a facist leader using proganda to influence a race of Prograns, and using secret tactics to build an army , and about digital life forms that are self aware, some that emerged and evolved on their own and had NO creator, and than human emotional connection is more important than technological perfection.

The Matrix on the other hand is about the enslavement of humankind by a race of machines after the human race lost a war with them, using humans as a power-source, growing them, and pluging them into a computer simulation that runs through all their brains.
It deals with subjects like control over minds of humans plugged into the Matrix, using one city to corale and keep in check the humans not plugged into the Matrix, and questioning the nature of reality itself.
Morpheus is NOT "like a father" to Neo, a comrade yes. Morpheus was like a father to others, not to Neo.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online

"The film is about finding human connection in an increasingly digital world." - Joseph Kosinski


Posts: 9
RE: TRON Legacy and The Matrix trilogy: Some Similarities *SPOILERS for both!*

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 9:36 AM
This is the standard Campbellian "monomyth":

1.1 Departure

1.1.1 Call to Adventure
1.1.2 Refusal of the Call
1.1.3 Supernatural Aid
1.1.4 Threshold Crossing
1.1.5 Belly of the Whale

1.2 Initiation

1.2.1 Road of Trials
1.2.2 Meeting With The Goddess
1.2.3 Woman as Temptress
1.2.4 Apotheosis
1.2.5 Ultimate Boon

1.3 Return

1.3.1 Refusal of the Return
1.3.2 Magic Flight
1.3.3 Crossing the Return Threshold
1.3.4 Master of Two Worlds
1.3.5 Freedom to Live


Posts: 11
RE: TRON Legacy and The Matrix trilogy: Some Similarities *SPOILERS for both!*

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 10:41 PM
Another similarity is both Sam and Neo show that their human by bleeding.

In the end this is just good fun to find these things. These type of stories almost demand the use of these kind of plot points.


Posts: 3,301
RE: TRON Legacy and The Matrix trilogy: Some Similarities *SPOILERS for both!*

on Wednesday, December, 22, 2010 11:43 PM
A few fun things I found when watching the Matrix after the original ...

Neo/Flynn: Hero that is inititially confused when they get into the alternate universe. Not quite like everyone else (Flynn is a user rather than a program, Neo can manipulate the Matrix in ways his friends can't).

Neo/Tron (the other hero): Has a goal/destiny to help save the world from dark forces. Communicate to the real world through special means (Tron uses I/O tower. Neo uses telephone booths.)

Trinity/Yori: Helps our hero along his journey. Gets him out of sticky situations and offers advice. Eventually becomes a close friend. (Same with Yori and Tron.)

Morpheus/Dumont: Father figure, wisdom keeper. Integral in the hero meeting his goal. Has great patience.

The Merovingian/Master Control Program: Ultimate control freak. Doesn't do anything helpful without a high price and/or betrayal. Runs the mesa/grid/gathering place.

Other fun bits:

Trinity and Flynn both like 2-wheel cycles (Trinity's is in the real world)
Both Trininty and Yori offer Neo/Tron a lift (Trinity in the car. Yori on the solar sailer).
Neo and Flynn are both computer hackers.
Both Trinity and Yori wear tight pants


Just having fun. I think similarities could be found between many movies.abortion pills online cytotec abortion

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^
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 TRON Legacy and The Matrix trilogy: Some Similarities *SPOILERS for both!*