KingKaddish User
 Posts: 30 | TRON Legacy Cycle model 4 DL on Monday, November, 29, 2010 5:59 PM
I was browsin the net looking for gridbugs 4 map and I came across this page.... ...its a link to a page hosting a FREE TRON Legacy Cycle model. It says it is in Blender 2.5 .blend format. I just fig'd someone here would lika a whak at messin with it, enjoy.
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bytes User
 Posts: 3 | RE: TRON Legacy Cycle model 4 DL on Tuesday, January, 11, 2011 12:32 PM
does any one have this in obj format? or know where to find it?
would like to have a look and don't have blender.
TRON.dll User
 Posts: 4,349 | RE: TRON Legacy Cycle model 4 DL on Tuesday, January, 11, 2011 1:10 PM
bytes Wrote:does any one have this in obj format? or know where to find it?
would like to have a look and don't have blender. |
Blender is free, and can export to obj format.
Thanks for the link!
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-I have a Wii, DS, and 3DS. PM me to exchange friend codes. |
LaughingOtter User
 Posts: 23 | RE: TRON Legacy Cycle model 4 DL on Thursday, May, 26, 2011 1:19 PM
Now this looks more like the stuff I'm here to get in on!
Blender looks like a fascinating tool. Hopefully I can coax the plugin to export to POV-Ray so I can use the newer lightcycle design!
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Programming is a lot like pinball, actually. The reward for doing it well is the opportunity to do it again. |
Gridbug95 User
 Posts: 33 | RE: TRON Legacy Cycle model 4 DL on Wednesday, October, 03, 2012 2:58 PM
Ihave this model. Up close it looks really crappy. Fortunatly i have a folder of ripped evolution models to use.