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 How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

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Posts: 580
How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

on Friday, November, 05, 2010 8:44 PM
As a fan of the toy line, I'm really hoping it does well so we can get a ton of characters. Although a second wave is pretty much guaranteed, if the first wave does poorly it could be very hard to find That's what happened to the Avatar toy line.

Now, anecdotal evidence is always iffy with these things. It's hard to known how many times a shelf might have been restocked.... but I thought it'd be worth asking.

In my area the Core figures seem to be selling really well. Followed by Deluxe figures, the light disc, then vehicles and then finally the Ultimate figures. That actually makes a lot of sense with the price point and the fact the movie isn't out. I imagine if kids are asking for toys parents will go for a cheap option at this point with Christmas coming up. It doesn't seem like the RC toys is doing much right now... but I bet that'll change for Christmas.

Even if T:L does really well it's no guarantee the toys will. Again, look at Avatar. That being said, I feel like Spinmaster has done a really great job of making these appealing to kids so I hope it's a hit with them.

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Posts: 580
RE: How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

on Friday, November, 05, 2010 8:45 PM
Bumping up from exile on the last page.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online

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Posts: 339
RE: How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

on Friday, November, 05, 2010 9:55 PM
They're doing fairly well around here. Every time I go to a Walmart or Target they'll have fewer of the core figures and more vehicles, and yet sometimes its the opposite. So I guess they are selling well. I know most people who will buy them will be long time Tron fans and collectors though. It would be hard to market something like this to kids who have never seen the original movie or know anything about the sequel.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill

"The dark can embrace the light, but never eclipse it."

Posts: 580
RE: How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

on Friday, November, 05, 2010 10:53 PM
Well, I think initially anyway it's going to be a lot of adult fans and collectors. But I doubt that's all that it's selling too. In fact, I actually saw some kids looking at them today. They were calling them "blue guy" and "orange guy" but they were interested.

But after the movie comes out I can see that being the point where (hopefully) more kids (and parents of kids asking for them) will start buying them more. It's the only way the line will survive.abortion pills online cytotec abortion

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Posts: 580
RE: How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

on Sunday, November, 07, 2010 1:12 AM
Tron Unit Wrote:@ $10/figure I see these getting clearanced out at Target after the new year and coming soon to a Big Lots near year.

This is less about predictions and more about what you are seeing now. Do you mean nothing is selling? Also, I certainly haven't spent that much on any of the Core figures. It's weird Wal-Mart is more than TRU. That may change though, Wally World usually lowers prices to be more competitive.

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Posts: 174
RE: How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

on Thursday, December, 23, 2010 5:24 PM
Anecdotal evidence suggests in the Los Angeles area they're selling fairly well. Prior to the movie release they would regularly sell out at the La Cienega TRU. At the pop-up shop event on Saturday there were QUITE a few parents buying figures for kiddies - helped that they were GIVING away full size Flynn Light Cycles for painting too.

I'm really, really hoping they sell enough to get to the 3rd series, I'm so tired of lines being cancelled before the best figures hit big - i.e. the Star Trek 2nd Series of warp figures & the Indiana Jones Temple of Doom figures.

That said they're definitely over-producing from what I can tell, and based on practically every other Movie-related toy line doing poorly over the last few years, they should be readily available at clearance within the next 9 months


Posts: 131
RE: How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

on Thursday, December, 23, 2010 5:56 PM
@Wild Will:

There was however, another series set to come after this one that had more Raiders figures that got canned.

EDIT: Ooops I get what you were saying. Yes these didn't hit big, unfortunately. They were most certainly the best of the series.

By the way, I can point you to a cheap loose set if you need one., a great place to read nerdy stuff!

Posts: 174
RE: How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

on Thursday, December, 23, 2010 6:18 PM
I never NEED more toys, it's what I can convince the wife that I want that she'll allow me to buy. So no, I don't need IJ toys...I got my Indy and a German dude on a bike and passed up a number of el-cheapo clearanced figures.

And yeah, I could have explained myself a bit better, I knew the TOD toys hit retail, but that there was another line that was cancelled (with Toht who ended up being Cobra Commander SDCC version).

But the Star Trek Series 2 toys, those would have been sweet.

So bascially I'm really hoping the Tron Legacy toys sell well so we can get the Evolution series and a wider distribution on Castor/Zuse.


Posts: 113
RE: How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

on Thursday, December, 23, 2010 10:06 PM
Here in Maryland they appear to be selling ok... you can still find a bunch of the toy line at ToysRus, Disney Store, etc. and I'll never forget how in November when I went to my local ToysRus to ask where they keep their Tron merchandise, several employees had no idea what Tron even was... fortunately an "older" worker knew what I was talking about and pointed me in the right direction, lol.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


Posts: 580
RE: How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

on Thursday, December, 23, 2010 10:52 PM
They are selling quite a bit better here than any other recent toy line from a movie that I can think of (well, except Iron Man 2) so I'm really hoping we get some more continuing waves like Iron Man.

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Posts: 126
RE: How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

on Thursday, December, 23, 2010 10:57 PM
sadly when i went to my local walmart yesterday, they were still full on the rack, and all the kids were at the nerf gun isle. :c

maybe they just restocked, i don't really know.


Posts: 3,488
RE: How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

on Thursday, December, 23, 2010 10:58 PM
Core figures are constantly being sold out in Kansas @_@

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Posts: 192
RE: How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

on Thursday, December, 23, 2010 10:59 PM

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This town is full of live ones!!


Posts: 174
RE: How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

on Thursday, December, 23, 2010 11:46 PM

That was fascinating reading, thanks for the share. I suppose if I thought about it seems accurate to the number of toys available at the local retailers...

Bodes well too, though we have to remember that just because they shipped that much merchandise doesn't mean it will all SELL - but looks to me like the die-cast are the real winners.


Posts: 84
RE: How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

on Friday, December, 24, 2010 7:48 PM
I went to target today and was lucky to find a rare find.
Other than that most of the Tron toys were mostly in stock there and it was
Not even touched over at my neighborhood TRU. They had a 12 ft wall of Tron toys
On display that wasn't even dented. All other areas or toys were looking pretty thin in inventory.

I'm guessing there will be a pretty big clearance on Tron toys at TRU for series one at least.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online


Posts: 580
RE: How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?

on Friday, December, 24, 2010 8:21 PM
It's always hard to tell. Sales can vary by location and with restocks you can't always tell if it's the same figures or not. If they start putting Series 1 on clearance we can kiss a third series goodbye... and series 2 might not even make it to a wide release. So I'm hoping they don't go on clearance soon!where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online

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 How Well Are The Toys Selling In Your Area?