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 Some old stuff for sale...

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Posts: 6
Some old stuff for sale...

on Friday, October, 15, 2010 2:36 PM
Hi there. I'm kind of new to this site, but from looking around it seems you all are the best Tron fans out there.

I've had some items in my possession that have been handed down to me from friends over the years who had some industry connections to Bally and Disney. I'm looking to put them in the hands of someone that will appreciate them.

First item is a pair of movie postcards. I think these were from the press kit or the movie premiere.

If you're interested in any of this, drop me a line at


Posts: 6
RE: Some old stuff for sale...

on Friday, October, 15, 2010 2:41 PM
Second piece is a beat-up program from the premiere. Not very collectible but someone might like it.

By the way I'm trying to share these via Picasa, if you can't see them let me know. Thanks.

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Posts: 6
RE: Some old stuff for sale...

on Friday, October, 15, 2010 2:43 PM
I have a bunch of stickers from Bally promoting the video game. I *think* they are stickers, I don't want to try and peel the backing off any of these:


Posts: 6
RE: Some old stuff for sale...

on Friday, October, 15, 2010 3:22 PM
These might be most interesting items. I've taken pictures of two of them but I have more. Disney needed reference photos for some of the computer-generated images. So MAGI (I think) printed these images onto 35mm slides, which were then printed on 8x10 paper for distribution to licensees. Here's a light cycle.

Backside has a sticker with a Disney reference number:

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 Some old stuff for sale...