RE: Editing existing maps on Sunday, November, 14, 2010 2:35 AM
Simple answer: not possible. Maps exists in a 'processed' (compiled binary) and a 'source' (for editing) form. All maps coming with the game were binary, and so not editable. The tools for Tron2.0 were shipped with a set of map sources, but only for multiplayer maps. Non of the singleplayer maps are available, and 'decompiling' is not possible so far, unless you want to develop a tool.
Furthermore i wouldn't recommen to 'merge' maps, Dedit is very demanding while you use it to create maps. If you don't have the right experiences, such a merged map would be unplayable, as the performance would be critical, you would need to tweak a lot to make such hugh maps playable.
For the intention to make maps for Tron2.0: we always appreciated another creative mind, so you are welcome. Feel free to ask around, if you have questions. I would also recommen the forum at as mapping/modding ressources, as we already deal with that engine for years now.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill