laphtiya User
Posts: 948 | CPU Fan control on Friday, August, 06, 2010 6:10 AM
Hi guys/gals,
Quick questiong, without buying a cpu fan controller is there anyway of being able to control the CPU fan speed via software / BIOS settings. Basically I have a fan that can run at 1900rpm but BIOS states its only running at 800rpm and I'd like to increase it, any clues?
Qix77 User
Posts: 2,991 | Re: CPU Fan control on Friday, August, 06, 2010 9:03 AM
This would depend on your chipset and BIOS version. I recently picked up a motherboard that has an auto-fan control feature for overclocking, but I don't know if it allows the user to control the fan speed.
You'll have to look up your motherboard on it's manufacture's website. Look for an FAQ or something. You may have to upgrade BIOS. That's all I can think of at the moment.
laphtiya User
Posts: 948 | Re: CPU Fan control on Friday, August, 06, 2010 2:03 PM
Thats what I was thinking unfortunetly when I posted this I was at work trying to google a solution with no joy. When I got home I checked out my BIOS in the settings there was a feature called Q-Fan which had been enabled, basically when I disabled it my CPU fan kicked in at full speed.
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Compucore User
Posts: 4,450 | Re: CPU Fan control on Friday, August, 06, 2010 9:09 PM
Just curiousity Why would you want to control the fan itself on top of the CPU? I know depending on the load the cpu is going through the fan will either rev-up or down depending on the CPU load. Formyself. I leave them as they are on mine persoanlly. Since I usually have most of the cpu's under heavy loads when I start doing a lot of databasing and all that. And running stuff on the backside that requires a lot of cpu usage.
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achilles User
Posts: 0 | Re: CPU Fan control on Saturday, August, 07, 2010 12:51 PM
laphtiya Wrote:I have a fan that can run at 1900rpm but BIOS states its only running at 800rpm and I'd like to increase it, any clues? |
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Qix77 User
Posts: 2,991 | Re: CPU Fan control on Saturday, August, 07, 2010 9:42 PM
laphtiya Wrote:Thats what I was thinking unfortunetly when I posted this I was at work trying to google a solution with no joy. When I got home I checked out my BIOS in the settings there was a feature called Q-Fan which had been enabled, basically when I disabled it my CPU fan kicked in at full speed.
Thanks for the help though Qix77 |
No problem, Laphtive.. I'm glad you got it working.
laphtiya User
Posts: 948 | Re: CPU Fan control on Monday, August, 09, 2010 6:52 AM
Compucore Wrote:Just curiousity Why would you want to control the fan itself on top of the CPU? I know depending on the load the cpu is going through the fan will either rev-up or down depending on the CPU load. Formyself. I leave them as they are on mine persoanlly. Since I usually have most of the cpu's under heavy loads when I start doing a lot of databasing and all that. And running stuff on the backside that requires a lot of cpu usage.
Well basically the cpu fan setup I have uses a 120mm case fan and while it did rev as the temp went up I found I can keep the system far cooler as a whole if I have it running at maximum (about 30 degrees idle and 55 under load), where as using the Q-Fan system it would sit at 45 idle and jump up to 65 before my fan kicks in fully. So I've found its better to run it at full, which isn't noisy at all only 22Db when on full load.
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