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 Can someone measure a Flynn's Arcade token for me?

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Posts: 5
Can someone measure a Flynn's Arcade token for me?

on Monday, August, 02, 2010 7:01 PM
Greetings, programs!

An AWESOME friend of mine recently surprised with the gift of the blue coin purse from Comic-Con with all the new coins inside. I'm totally stoked, but I don't want these coins to suffer the fate of the one he gave me from last year's con, which is now quite tarnished (although I've been recommended to try Acetone to rectify this).

Anyways, my local coin shop had a clear round case and black foam ring insert that fits these tokens perfectly. The only problem is that they don't have any more! I called another coin shop and they said I could definitely find these items online (they don't carry them in stock either), but I'll need to know the exact diameter of the coin in millimeters. I don't have that kind of measuring tool, and was wondering if anyone here did and if you would be so kind as to provide me with the number so that I can be sure to order the right size.



Posts: 4,349
Re: Can someone measure a Flynn's Arcade token for me?

on Monday, August, 02, 2010 7:33 PM
xenobuzz Wrote:Greetings, programs!

An AWESOME friend of mine recently surprised with the gift of the blue coin purse from Comic-Con with all the new coins inside. I'm totally stoked, but I don't want these coins to suffer the fate of the one he gave me from last year's con, which is now quite tarnished (although I've been recommended to try Acetone to rectify this).

Anyways, my local coin shop had a clear round case and black foam ring insert that fits these tokens perfectly. The only problem is that they don't have any more! I called another coin shop and they said I could definitely find these items online (they don't carry them in stock either), but I'll need to know the exact diameter of the coin in millimeters. I don't have that kind of measuring tool, and was wondering if anyone here did and if you would be so kind as to provide me with the number so that I can be sure to order the right size.


I don't have the coins, so I can't provide you with a measurement, but I would think most people have a ruler that measures in inches and centimeters.

Just measure the coin diameter in centimeters and convert to millimeters by moving the decimal point right one space, because the metric system is cool like that.

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Posts: 4,450
Re: Can someone measure a Flynn's Arcade token for me?

on Monday, August, 02, 2010 8:01 PM
If you have a Machines caliper that you can measure teh outside diameter of the coin itself there are plenty of conversion tools online conversion tools from imperial to metric out there that will convert it into Millimeters. I rememeber seeing a machinist calper going for about $20 canadian up over here.

xenobuzz Wrote:Greetings, programs!

An AWESOME friend of mine recently surprised with the gift of the blue coin purse from Comic-Con with all the new coins inside. I'm totally stoked, but I don't want these coins to suffer the fate of the one he gave me from last year's con, which is now quite tarnished (although I've been recommended to try Acetone to rectify this).

Anyways, my local coin shop had a clear round case and black foam ring insert that fits these tokens perfectly. The only problem is that they don't have any more! I called another coin shop and they said I could definitely find these items online (they don't carry them in stock either), but I'll need to know the exact diameter of the coin in millimeters. I don't have that kind of measuring tool, and was wondering if anyone here did and if you would be so kind as to provide me with the number so that I can be sure to order the right size.

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To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.


Posts: 71
Re: Can someone measure a Flynn's Arcade token for me?

on Monday, August, 02, 2010 8:02 PM
Perhaps xenobuzz doesn't have a ruler or tape by which to measure? But then, a store that sells rulers and tape-measures could have one to borrow off the shelf for a moment.order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion


Posts: 4,450
Re: Can someone measure a Flynn's Arcade token for me?

on Monday, August, 02, 2010 8:06 PM
Even that will do and just take note of the size and go back home and convert it online with the free online converters. Thank god I still have some of my machineshop still at home over here so it is not wo bad over here for something like that.

jtr7 Wrote:Perhaps xenobuzz doesn't have a ruler or tape by which to measure? But then, a store that sells rulers and tape-measures could have one to borrow off the shelf for a moment.

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To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.


Posts: 2,991
Re: Can someone measure a Flynn's Arcade token for me?

on Monday, August, 02, 2010 8:22 PM
xenobuzz Wrote: ...but I'll need to know the exact diameter of the coin in millimeters.

Hmmm... How do I convert cubits into millimeters? lol.. Sorry, I'm really old school.. lol
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 Can someone measure a Flynn's Arcade token for me?