Alan1 User
Posts: 701 | Why? on Sunday, July, 25, 2010 2:22 PM
"This isn't happening, it only thinks it's happening"-Kevin Flynn |
TRON.dll User
Posts: 4,349 | Re: Why? on Sunday, July, 25, 2010 2:44 PM
The title of this thread made me genuinely afraid.
Not that bad, but they're doing it wrong.abortion pills online cytotec abortion
TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
I'll play any mode, but I'm best at LC.
PSN - TRON-dll
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-I have a Wii, DS, and 3DS. PM me to exchange friend codes. |
Mutant_Pie User
Posts: 33 | Re: Why? on Monday, July, 26, 2010 6:14 PM
"the titular character"
It looks like Kevin Flynn (barely) to me, not TRON. The artwork that should be sharp is blurred, and the original style of portraiture like this that was done by Andy Warhol used BRIGHT COLORS. You know, just like this little Disney movie called TRON did! Instead they made a milk pastelled abomination.
Wayfarer User
Posts: 131 | Re: Why? on Tuesday, July, 27, 2010 4:29 AM
I tried to access the page and it sent me to Disney UK that has no mention of Tron Legacy :O |