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 Medicom Lightcycles

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Posts: 215
Medicom Lightcycles

on Sunday, July, 04, 2010 11:55 PM
I really want to get my hands on some of those Medicom Lightcycle figure sets, but I have NO idea where to get them outside of ebay, and ebay only seems to have expensive like, collectory ones. I just want some to sit on top of my TV, I'd get them loose if I could. :P

Anyone know any where I can find some? Or some sellers on ebay who post those relatively cheap?


Sector Admin

Posts: 413
Re: Medicom Lightcycles

on Monday, July, 05, 2010 12:17 AM
Sorry, but I think ebay will be your best bet. Sometimes they turn up on there loose and the bidding starts low. But people know that these are getting harder to find.

It's been a few years since they were released so it's highly unlikely that any stores online will have them anymore.

"Like the man said, there's no problems, only solutions"-Kevin Flynn, prior to his entry into the electronic world- 1982
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 Medicom Lightcycles