Y'know how it is when you're looking for something and happen to find stuff that's based of cool stuff you were involved in the past? Ahh, nostalgic golden memories.
I was looking for a certain binder of mine that I put together than includes a ton of hilarious quotes, interview tidbits, and chatroom transcripts from one of my most favorite bands when I ended up taking out and looking all this fun stuff I did in high school, very nice/cute but old cards from people I care about, old CCD letters, old high school drama programs I've kept, funny stuff I've printed off the internet, etc. (I'm such a pack rat.
Whenever I experienced something really awesome, or get something very nice from someone, I tend to keep what I can to hang onto the memory. I've even kept ticket stubs of certain movie tickets from the local theaters.) While searching for that binder I ended up wandering down Memory Lane.
Man, time flies.
I did find that binder, but along the way I looked at all these recorded memories in this box and my 12th grade Theatre II Portfolio in another binder. Good times!