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 completely redone tron...needs help

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completely redone tron...needs help

on Sunday, December, 20, 2009 12:45 AM
I've got a tron that I have completely redone for a friend, I help him with his games and hes sellin alot of them off but I'm trying to convince him to keep the tron. It is playing blind and we've tried can hear it play. It has new monitor boards wiring harness can hear it coin up but the screen shows white..I'm losing my mind on this thing. People recommend cutting the purple wire..and people say dont..who can help me enjoy the man hours I've spent on this game


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Re: completely redone tron...needs help

on Saturday, March, 27, 2010 3:21 AM
You might have a bad tube on the monitor. If the game coins up and plays blind, and adjusting the brightness on the flyback and the monitor chassis doesn't get rid of the white (on either chassis)... ... then you MIGHT have a few shorts in the tube that's causing all the guns to fire all the time. It might be worth taking the monitor to a local TV repair shop, have them hook up a rejuvenator/tester on the tube and seeing what they can do for you. Most of the time, a test and rejuve costs a few bucks.

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 TRON and Discs of TRON Arcade 
 completely redone tron...needs help