floven1 User
 Posts: 0 | object functions on Tuesday, December, 01, 2009 8:58 AM
i have looked through the forums and not found anything obvious, i would like a list of the objects in DEdit and their functions, i will also take directions to an existing list, this would help me out immensely, thank you
derez and disk arena are my favorites, though I wont turn you down for light cycles
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figure that out if you can
pm me with the answer |
Jademz User
 Posts: 0 | Re: object functions on Tuesday, December, 01, 2009 2:44 PM
I've seen tutorials for Deedit on the net from the N.O.L.F. community. I don't recall seeing anyone show much source code, but then I haven't finished any maps.. Lithfaq.com used to have some info on Deedit, I'm sure if you ask this question there, they have a very experienced group of mappers/modders who may help you along. Good luck, hope to see your work!where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online
TronFAQ Sector Admin
 Posts: 4,467 | Re: object functions on Tuesday, December, 01, 2009 4:25 PM

The Tron editing tools comes with documentation, and in it is a list of all the objects and what they do. Look for a file called "TRON Tools Documentation.chm".
Unfortunately, the documentation isn't that good and can be confusing. I've made a few video tutorials on how to make Tron 2.0 maps, which can be found here in the Tron-Sector file archive.
Also, if you have any further questions about making maps for Tron 2.0, you can visit the LDSO site forum and ask there. Most of the members there have experience with making maps.
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floven1 User
 Posts: 0 | Re: object functions on Tuesday, December, 01, 2009 8:18 PM
thanks tronfaq
never occured to me to look there.
EDIT: my trontools documentation is glitchy and will not operate, does anyone have a working copy.
my copy gives a navigation cancellation erroron line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill online
derez and disk arena are my favorites, though I wont turn you down for light cycles
FADE into binary
1111 1010 1101 1110
figure that out if you can
pm me with the answer |
TronFAQ Sector Admin
 Posts: 4,467 | Re: object functions on Wednesday, December, 02, 2009 3:11 AM

floven1 Wrote:EDIT: my trontools documentation is glitchy and will not operate, does anyone have a working copy.
my copy gives a navigation cancellation error |
Just download the tools again and extract the documentation file.
If it still doesn't work, there may be something wrong with your Windows installation and the feature that opens .chm help files is broken.
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floven1 User
 Posts: 0 | Re: object functions on Wednesday, December, 02, 2009 9:36 AM
it still didnt work untill i put it into a zip file, now it works fine
it also wouldnt let me uncompress it, maybe that was the problem
thanks tronfaq
EDIT: i cannot seem to get my map to spawn players with y amp or disc primitive, any pointers?
new edit: i cant seem to get more than 1 ladder object in a level, if i put a second in, all attached primitives dissapear
please help
yet another EDIT: I need to know how to create a teleporter
derez and disk arena are my favorites, though I wont turn you down for light cycles
FADE into binary
1111 1010 1101 1110
figure that out if you can
pm me with the answer |
Cybernaught User
 Posts: 1 | RE: object functions on Monday, November, 14, 2011 6:12 PM
Aloha Programs,
I will insert this comment here because I too am looking to learn how to create Teleporters/Televators in Multiplayer. I figure it has to be some combination of Brush, AIVolume Object, and Teleport Point, but the Docs do not provide a clear referrence to the arrangement and settings involved, so any help on that would be awesome.
"Thanx Program..."
KingKaddish User
 Posts: 30 | RE: object functions on Friday, November, 18, 2011 10:24 PM
Greetings Program!
I recommend heading over to here....
...as this seems to be where all the still active modders for TRON 2.0 seem to be hanging out anymore.
I am sure that ppl there would be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have about modding TRON 2.0.
They certainly have helped me learn all that I have so far.
I look forward to seeing you there.