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  Tron 2.0 
 Build note anomaly

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Posts: 6
Build note anomaly

on Thursday, October, 15, 2009 5:25 PM
I'm replaying Tron 2.0 using the unofficial 1.042 patch, and following the Walkthrough provided via the Unofficial Tron FAQ. When I finished the Transport Station level, my build version was much higher than in the walkthrough. Is that correct? Also, I don't see the code optimizer that's supposed to be in the next level, Primary Digitizing.

Does the walkthrough need updating and can I offer assistance if need be?

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Build note anomaly

on Thursday, October, 15, 2009 5:35 PM

The scores in the walkthrough are based on the unpatched version of the game, because at the time I started the walkthrough the v1.042 patch to fix the build point score problem hadn't been released yet. There's actually a note about this in the walkthrough, for the very first level.

I will finish the walkthrough and update it to include the newer scores, eventually. I'm focusing most of my spare time on getting the Killer App mod done, which I think is more important to finish right now.

For Primary Digitizing, that is the only level where the Optimizer could show up in more than one place. Reading through the whole walkthrough for that level, you'll see that I mention three places where the Optimizer could be located.

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Posts: 6
Re: Build note anomaly

on Thursday, October, 15, 2009 5:38 PM
Excellent! So the score will eventually even out as I progress further in the game? The only reason I ask is that I have never completed the game with the max possible build notes, so I want to give it a shot this time around.

I 100% agree that the Killer App mod deserves all your time. Keep at it, and thank you!

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Build note anomaly

on Thursday, October, 15, 2009 6:08 PM

The maximum score you can get in the patched version of the game, is v10.0.3. That's for finding all the build notes and completing all the mission objectives.

Some objectives are optional or sometimes easy to miss. Some things that players often miss are:

Spoilers follow, highlight with your mouse
- Completing the training on the first level to get the initial v1.0.5 score. (The disc combat training can be skipped without losing points, however.)
- Not looking for build notes between all the races on the Light Cycle Arena and Staging Pit level.
- Talking to the ICP listening the the Light Cycle race coverage.
- Talking to ROMie before releasing him from his cell, in the Prisoner Bin level.
- Missing one build note in the center corridor near the end of the Primary Digitizing level, which is easy to miss because of the time pressure on you due to the format wall. But the build notes are placed in the level in a semi-random fashion each time you play a new game, so sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not.
- Not saving all the towers from corruption on the City Hub level.
- Not looking for build notes between the different stages on the Firewall level.

This is just a FYI, in case you or anyone is wondering what the maximum score is and some tips on how to reach it.



Posts: 6
Re: Build note anomaly

on Thursday, October, 15, 2009 11:38 PM
I'll aim for that 10.0.3 score then, thanks! It's amazing to me how fun this game is to play through again (this is my 3rd time through), and it still is a blast!

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  Tron 2.0 
 Build note anomaly