tailmister.exe Wrote:You know the internet music that plays when you first enter the net, (Mission 6-1) or something? Hopefully you do, that is cool, and would like to put that on the map.
But when I use the txt files that the game folder provides, it only has the Mission 6-4 control access node music, and I don't like it or want it. |
There's a bug in the game that prevents you from using some of the music from that mission, in Multiplayer maps. This is something that's been fixed (one of many things) in the upcoming Killer App mod.
Yes, making your own custom music to be used with Music control files is very hard to do. It's much easier to just place a SoundFX object in your map with a huge radius, and point it to a music file that you include with your map.
You did a nice job on your second map. You're making good progress.
One thing I'd like to recommend. While the 7-Zip format is great for compressing large files to cut down their size, I would say you're better off using the plain old .ZIP format for the small sizes that your maps currently have.
The reason for that, is that XP and Vista have built-in support for .ZIP files. People can open them without having to go out and download an extra program first. Just something to consider.
And if you're going to start including custom music with your maps, you'll want to put everything inside a .REZ file. I can explain how to do that when the time comes, if someone else doesn't explain it first.

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