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 Server hosting problem again!

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Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Wednesday, November, 18, 2009 2:41 AM
OK, here's another update:

I seem to have one Server working now... I opened port 28900 as well and the first Server seems to be working now (I can't see if it's visible from the game since I'm at work now).

So the Server on port 27666 works when I also open port 28900. Every other Server keep showing me "unable to query server"... I tried opening port 28901, 28902 and 28903 (since the other Servers run at 27777, 27888 and 27999) but that doesn't help.

So uhm, anyone got any last pointers on this one? Obviously my Zyxel is really uptight about security and all I need to figure out are what extra ports my other Servers need??

Oh yeah, I'll check if I'm visible from the list when I get home... maybe it's not working at all.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill

European Dedicated LC Server:
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Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Wednesday, November, 18, 2009 9:34 PM

Have you switched from the Speedtouch back to the Zyxel again?

Like I've said before, I don't know what to tell you at this point. You shouldn't need to open ports way out of range from the original server ports. It doesn't make sense. It should just be gameport and gameport+1 for every server. End of story.

We've already been over countless options and settings, and none of them have worked. Without being there to check all the possible different configuration issues, this problem is extremely difficult to diagnose. Sorry mate.

All I can say is that I have a Speedtouch modem now as well (was forced to replace my old one recently) hooked up to a router, and I've got it working. It wasn't a walk in the park to set up either, because I wanted direct access to the modem. Which you can't normally do when it's behind a router. So I needed to go through some rigamarole. But it's all working now. Tron 2.0 servers and all (should I want to host servers). Setting up a Speedtouch is a known quantity for me, because I've already done it.



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Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Saturday, November, 21, 2009 7:13 AM
Well, I couldn't get it working with the SpeedTouch either. Could it be the settings that prevent it from working?

My ISP uses these settings:

Mode: RFC1483 Routed
Protocol: ENET ENCAP (Ethernet Encapsulation)
Multiplexing: LLC (Logical Link Control)
Encapsulation: AAL5 snap
VPI: 0
VCI: 34
IP-address: Dynamic

With these settings I can (of course) get my internet working and I used MAC cloning on the router behind the SpeedTouch to get my old IP address back (otherwise I get a new one and I have to change all the MX records that point to my Server).

My old provider (but that's way back, like a year or so) used PPPoE in stead of Bridged mode. So could that be the problem?

Otherwise I think I'll give up... Later that day when I posted I had ONE Server working it stopped again and also gave me the "unable to query server" error even before I could check if I could even see it in the list.


European Dedicated LC Server:

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Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Saturday, November, 21, 2009 10:20 AM
As for me, I noticed something was up when I tried to host using the same setup I've had, and still had to figure out what port worked atleast four times!

Lemme ask you this, have you tried hosting other games to see if you can point the problem to your ISP possibly filtering server activity? You may be able to get a tech on this and see if he can give you some info.

I've seen some shady stuff happen here in the US with certain providers blocking content.

I'll see what I can find out this weekend..

You've had your servers up a long time, it'd be a shame to see them gone!

Sector Admin

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Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Tuesday, November, 24, 2009 8:38 PM

Denniske1976 Wrote:Could it be the settings that prevent it from working?
Those protocol settings look good. Basically, if you can access the internet normally with every other type of program, there shouldn't be any reason why the servers don't work with those particular settings.

There is a remote possibility that perhaps your ISP has caught on to the fact that you were running servers 24/7 like Jademz suggested, and blocked them because perhaps your terms of service don't allow for you to run servers. But, I doubt it very much. The servers probably don't generate enough traffic to concern your ISP.

My old provider (but that's way back, like a year or so) used PPPoE in stead of Bridged mode. So could that be the problem?
No, I can't see that being the problem either.

It's got to be some kind of configuration problem either with the modem part or (much more likely) the router part. Some stupid little thing that's preventing it from working.

When I got my Speedtouch modem, I had a hell of a time getting it to work with my separate router and get it to connect properly to the internet. It took me days to figure it all out, and I had to download the manual for the modem, so I could use the command line interface to change settings in the modem.



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Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Wednesday, November, 25, 2009 10:13 AM
Well, I phone the ISP yesterday and asked about anything being blocked... they told me that for sure nothing was blocked on their lines. They also told me it could absolutely not be the modem either since HTTP/POP3/SMTP works.

Bottom line: it had to be my server according to them. Well, nothing has changed since like 6 months on my server so I don't buy that.

So last night I had a look online (since I can end my contract any time with my current ISP) and switched to another provider. This one has a better setup I think (static IP assigned, LAN allowed etc). So within some time I hope to be up again, I'm going to get a SpeedTouch 760 from them and monthly costs are the same as are up and down speeds.

And best of all, when I signed up I also received a cool Philips Living Colors mini lamp as a welcome gift :-) (for a lounge and ambient junkie like me that is awesome!).

So I hope to be online soon, this weekend I'm going to install my ML350 G3 with Windows 2003 (the old ML330 is going out of business) so IF there was anything on the server blocking it, it should be gone... the new server is just going to be Windows/POP3/SMTP/IIS and TRON 2.0 ;-)

Thanx for all the help guys, now let's hope I get the servers running again (otherwise I still have that cool lamp hehe)... and see you online some time.

Void signing off ;-)
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European Dedicated LC Server:
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Posts: 4,467
Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Thursday, November, 26, 2009 2:24 AM

It's cool that there's a silver lining somewhere to be found in all the trouble you've been having. Good luck, and I hope you get the servers working again.



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Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Thursday, November, 26, 2009 9:21 AM
Yeah hope you get the servers up! I used a similar configuration for a while, worked out great.

I'm still not sure why mine won't talk to gamespy. I turned every peice of software blocking internet, except I didn't go straight to my modem bypassing the router altogether. So that's the last thing I do before I install windows 7 then call my ISP, should reinstalling windows get no results.. I don't see it being my windows install.. perhaps I created a gridbug somewhere and I don't see it.


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Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Tuesday, December, 08, 2009 7:41 PM
Well, looks like dedicated server problems are hitting CODMW2 gamers this season.....

Thanks to a friend on facebook for posting this, I found out that my ISP is dropping customers for their gaming habits.
Turns out that my four years of hosting may have come to an end with this ISP(five total).

If I find out this is the case on my end, I'm going to get fios.

I still haven't tried a fresh tron 2.0 install on a different computer to make certain whether or not the cause is my windows, but nonetheless, this is not a good trand w/ regards to Time-Warner(Road Runner) now screwing their customers. Looks like they may be closer yet to being another Comcast.


Posts: 4,349
Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Tuesday, December, 08, 2009 9:53 PM
Jademz Wrote:Well, looks like dedicated server problems are hitting CODMW2 gamers this season.....

Thanks to a friend on facebook for posting this, I found out that my ISP is dropping customers for their gaming habits.
Turns out that my four years of hosting may have come to an end with this ISP(five total).

I think the reason they are bringing it up now is because of how IWnet works, what it does, and the massive amount of people using it.

IWnet works like this:
When in a match, the game looks for the player with the best connection to all the other players and chooses them as the host automatically. The game then starts sending massive amounts of packets to and from the host PC. If the host player drops out, the game pauses while the game looks for the best host of all the remaining players.

When doing Special Ops in Co-Op, one player has to send an invite to a Steam friend. The person who sent the invite is the host regardless of their connection, but is still transmitting large data packets to and from the other PC.

So what's going on here? Well, since IW's decision to drop dedicated servers on MW2 was so sudden and last-minute, it's possible, as mentioned in this article, that not all ISP's, such as Time Warner, don't know about this setup and are identifying it, as also mentioned in this article, as a virus that is sending large amounts of data to other computers, something Spyware is known to do.

They aren't picking on people for their gaming habits. They're accidentally identifying MW2 as Spyware. abortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion

TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
I'll play any mode, but I'm best at LC.

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-I have a Wii, DS, and 3DS. PM me to exchange friend codes.

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Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Tuesday, December, 08, 2009 10:28 PM
Yeah it makes sense the developer may have be lazy, while I don't like all the aspects I'm reading about IWNET, but it seems like they're fixing it.. In this case, the ISP can figure this stuff out, without threatening customers, and also So it goes both ways.
Why there's no host on mega servers is beyond me... lol.

I was just worried the crap hit the fan, and didn't get down to all the fine details yet. I appreciate your input.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill


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Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Friday, December, 11, 2009 3:17 AM
Well, I have installed my ML350 Server now and also installed TRON. Just Windows 2003 Server and TRON 2.0 with the 1.049 update (or what's that unofficial update number)... same problem still when hosting, so at least it wasn't a problem on my side (I don't even have a virus scanner installed).

I've received notice that my new line will be up and running from januari 7th 2010, so I'll hopefully start the new year with my Servers up again ;-)

Oh yeah, and my AmbiLight thingie is due to arrive with Christmas hehe :-)

So maybe switching ISP could be a solution for Jademz too?

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European Dedicated LC Server:

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Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Friday, December, 11, 2009 6:31 AM
I'm thinking of contacting gamespy to see if they may have a better way to get the server up, that's one thing I haven't done, I know they have another method to make servers connect to their network.

I haven't shopped for FIOS yet, I'll probably do that as my last option. If I figure out what I need to do to get the hexidecimal language gamespy's using now to connect, I'll pass that info to you.

Maybe someone in here is more knowlegable about it? I'll get a link to what I'm talking about later today.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill


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Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Friday, January, 08, 2010 3:58 AM

Here's another update from me...

First off: Happy New Year everyone! ;-)

Second: My DSL line was delivered yesterday, so I've connected everything and setup all ports again. The modem is now a Thompson SpeedTouch 706, very basic but it does what I want it too EXCEPT ONE THING :-(

Opened all the ports and again: POP3/SMTP/HTTP/RDP and eMule works like a charm and instantly. Ports for my TRON Servers are again open/UDP but still the "Unable to query the GameSpy master server. Please mke sure you have port open!" :-( :-(

Checked with the ISP, they also say the don't block anything... So now the only thing I "suspect" is the problem is maybe the protocol?? Because thinking this over a lot, I come to the conclusion that TRON hosting stopped working when my old ISP switched from PPPoE connection to RFC1483 Bridge connection. And now my new ISP also does this Bridge mode and I have exactly the same problem... I know it shouldn't be the problem, but that it all I can figure out now. Especially when thinking back to "Hmmmm, what actually changed when TRON wouldn't work anymore" -> old SpeedTouch 546 (PPPoE connection) died and replaced it with that Zyxel 2602 thingie (RFC1483 Bridge mode).

So I guess I won't be back after all :-( But hey, that AmbiLight lamp is really really cool (especially in "random-color-changing" mode, the whole livingroom lights up in neon blue/red/purple/yellow/orange... well, pretty much the whole spectrum).

So uhm, anybody else have an idea left? Maybe some known issue with GameSpy and RFC1483 Bridge communication over UDP (since everything TCP is no problem at all)??

European Dedicated LC Server:
Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Friday, January, 08, 2010 12:21 PM

Denniske1976 Wrote:Maybe some known issue with GameSpy and RFC1483 Bridge communication over UDP (since everything TCP is no problem at all)??
No, because otherwise nothing else that uses the UDP protocol would work for you either. You said eMule works. I gather Bittorrent also works. Have you tried hosting a server for any other game? (On Gamespy in particular?) Every game uses the same UDP protocol for online multiplayer that Tron 2.0 does.

Also, I have my modem set to RFC1843 Bridge mode and I'm able to host Tron 2.0 servers . . .

It's got to be something else. Wish I could be of more help, but we've already exhausted so many potential causes.



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Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Friday, January, 08, 2010 5:08 PM
Denniske1976 Wrote:Well,

Here's another update from me...

First off: Happy New Year everyone! ;-)

Happy New Year to you!

Any chance you can try hosting from a different computer?
I wonder if gamespy has technical support, something is weird about that.. I'll try to host one as soon as I get off my lazy butt and install windows7.
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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Saturday, January, 09, 2010 6:36 PM

So there I was, thinking about this problem once more . . .

Since your setup and mine are very similar now (Speedtouch modem and another router), I kept thinking why does mine work and yours doesn't.

Well, I think I might have the answer this time. But I take no responsibility if it makes things worse. It should fix the problem, but this is at your own risk!

You want to set everything up the same way you did before, when the servers worked. Except for one small difference.

In the home page of your Speedtouch modem, look for the "Home Network" menu item and click on it. Under "Ethernet" you should see an entry that represents the separate router you have hooked up to the modem. (This is assuming your modem is hooked up to the wall phone jack, and the router is hooked up to the modem.) Click on that.

After clicking on it, you should see a page that looks like this:
Look at the IP address. It will probably say something like "".

Now you want to click the link that says "Assign the public IP address of a connection to a device". Next, click "Edit". There should be a drop down menu that lets you select your router as the device to assign. Click "Apply".

When you get the pop-up warning asking if you're sure, click OK. Now reboot the router (turn it off and back on again). The IP address of the router should now be completely different and not "" (or similar) any more in your modem's settings.

Also, just in case, make sure the modem's Firewall is turned off. Click "Toolbox" on the left menu, then click "Firewall". Look in the top right corner for the word "Configure" and click on it.

You want to get to a screen that looks like this:
Click "Disabled" and then "Apply" to turn off the Firewall.

This should fix the problem you're having with your Tron 2.0 servers not listing on Gamespy.

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Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Tuesday, January, 12, 2010 4:53 AM
Jademz Wrote:Happy New Year to you!

Any chance you can try hosting from a different computer?
I wonder if gamespy has technical support, something is weird about that.. I'll try to host one as soon as I get off my lazy butt and install windows7.

Well, tried hosting from my PC (Windows Vista Homo Premium hehe, yeah I said it) and also no success. I started the Dedicated Server with default settings and port 27888. Then forwarded port 27888 to my PC. Same error: "Unable to query blablabla, please open ". And my PC is just a normal PC with Only Vista, TRON, CoD, CoD2 and FarCry... nothing else on it, not even Office.

I'll try hosting some other game tonight... see what that does.

European Dedicated LC Server:

Posts: 0
Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Tuesday, January, 12, 2010 5:56 AM
TronFAQ Wrote:

So there I was, thinking about this problem once more . . .

Well, that's the real catch there... I don't have those options. First off, my connecttion is setup like this:

INET -> SpeedTouch_706 -> ProCurve 1800 -> LAN

So I don't have another router in between, just hooked up the 706 to my ProCurve switch and the LAN is on that (with my Server having a static IP).

Now to the second part of the problem: this provider uses it's own firmware in that 706 router, the DON'T ALLOW changes to security. So the FireWall thingie is unavailable and I can't even change the DHCP address range (fixed at to So how cool is that eh?

Tried configuring a SpeedTouch 546 router (since it's RFC1483 Bridge anyway), but that won't even connect. Phoned their support and they told me I won't be able to connect with an "unsupported" (as in: without our own firmware) anyway. Not even if I flash their 706 with Thompson firmware, it won't work (because I wanted to do that to uncover the disabled options).

So in the end I ended up changing my LAN from 10.99.2.x to 192.168.1.x and keep everything the way it is to be able to connect. One thing they did guarantee me is that they ABSOLUTELY DON'T block any ports (except SMTP:25 directly) and especially not any game ports since you're allowed to run your own server anyway on their connection.

So even if I would connect some LinkSys or another router up to the SpeedTouch 706, I'd still have that 706's FireWall in front of my LinkSys anyway.

I've been looking into my 706 now and found that in Application & Gaming there is also a predefined rule "GameSpy Arcade", so I've assigned that to my Server and made a new TRON 2.0 rule with UDP ports 27666, 27777, 27888 and 27999 and also assigned that to my Server.... then restarted the SpeedTouch:

And now I have the weirdest thing EVER!

I've fired up all 4 TRON Servers (can anyone see them?). They don't report no error now, just runs fine apparently?? The only problem is: I have no internet on my Server!! Weird huh? Especially since I've just logged in a moment ago with RDP to fire up those TRON Servers... but no google, no POP3/SMTP etc.

Well, I'll look into that when I get home tonight (I'm at work now), but if anyone can let me know if they at least can see my Servers in the list now (I'd expect some time-out or another "Unable to contact GameSpy Master Server" or summin')??


This just keeps getting stranger and stranger ;-)

European Dedicated LC Server:
Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Tuesday, January, 12, 2010 12:59 PM

All your hardware changes are making me dizzy. So now you're using a switch instead of a router?

Anyhow, bummer that the ISP won't let you change those kinds of settings on the modem. That really sucks. I'm afraid that you really need to be able to change those settings in order to make the servers work. I don't see your servers listed on Gamespy.

The problem is, as far as I can tell, is that you've got a double NAT going by having both the switch and the modem acting as a router. You need to be able to completely turn off the modem's routing features. That's what the "Assign the public IP address of a connection to a device" setting I was talking about does. It completely disables the modem's NAT feature and lets a switch or router handle it instead.

The only problem is, now that you're using a switch instead of a router, then you would have no hardware firewall at all between you and the internet. A router would give you protection, while still allowing you to open specific ports to allow those Tron 2.0 servers and so on to run.

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