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 Help patching Art of Tron book...

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Help patching Art of Tron book...

on Wednesday, May, 06, 2009 1:49 PM

I just found and bought the Art of Tron book. But unfortunately in my haste I didn't notice that the previous owner had cut 3 pictures from the book I wasn't expecting to sell this forwards, so the value reduction from this doesn't bother me. But it bothers me that I can't read and enjoy the book (as most pictures have had text on the opposite page).

Can someone who has the full book help me patch the book back together by sending me scans of the missing pages? That way I can at least print the missing parts and read the book plus show it to friends in readable form. I can send you photos of the missing bits to prove that I do have the book.

The following three pictures have been cut:
Page 28, "Grid animation for Flynn's arrival in the electronic world, John Van Viiet". Half of the text on page 27 and part of the picture is missing too)
Page 51, "Circuit boards" . Big part of the pictures on page 52 is also cut away.
Page 61, "Early MCP design. A drawing by Roger Allers, painted by Peter Mueller". All of the text on page 62 is also missing.

Pasi Keranen
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Posts: 53
Re: Help patching Art of Tron book...

on Tuesday, June, 23, 2009 5:36 PM
not to sound dense but where might one obtain an art of tron book, i've collected and heard of a lot of tron items but this one has escaped me somehow!

"What program???"
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 Help patching Art of Tron book...