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 Is Voice acting in Tron 2.0 Or just subtitles?

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Is Voice acting in Tron 2.0 Or just subtitles?

on Monday, March, 30, 2009 1:41 PM
Is there voice acting in Tron 2.0 or just subtitles?

I would assume both, but the copy of Tron 2.0 I have doesn't seem to have voice acting, just the subtitles.

I got the game from someone who was selling their computer. It came with the computer I bought.

In truth, it wouldn't even work at all until I installed the 1.42 patch, although it seemed to install o.k. ( I have both CD's)

I suppose its possible the sound parts for the voice acting got messed up somehow when the other person owned the game, But All other sounds seem to work o.k... oh.. no voices on the intro movie either, as well as in the game.

Does anyone know of a way to fix this?

Is there a place I can download and reapply the voice tracks?

I suppose I do have the voice parts on the CD's but how to make them work with the game?
I have tried reinstalling with no luck.

It kinda sucks using only the subtitles, kinda hard to head on the screen and not having the characters actually speak to you where I can hear them kinda takes away from the game.

I'm using XP, direct x 9.0c dual pentium 4 processors with 2.5 gigs of ram a 512 MB ATI readon hd pro video card

Thank You in advance,
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Re: Is Voice acting in Tron 2.0 Or just subtitles?

on Monday, March, 30, 2009 3:57 PM
ok first thing - find out what motherboard you have, and if you haven't already update all the drivers, but first uninstall the old drivers, just motherboard, audio, and video. then reinstall the latest ones.

If you have onboard video and/or audio, disable them if you have a video or audio card installed in a PCI or AGP spot.(in the BIOS)

I have some pictures to illustrate the settings that may cause a conflict on some PCs:

Second - disable 4 - EAX. If that doesn't work, try disabling 3 - hardware sound. 1 and 2 and 3 should be enabled always. Good luck!

Sector Admin

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Re: Is Voice acting in Tron 2.0 Or just subtitles?

on Monday, March, 30, 2009 10:21 PM

Hi JohnPhoenix, and welcome to Tron-Sector.

JohnPhoenix Wrote:Is there voice acting in Tron 2.0 or just subtitles?

I would assume both, but the copy of Tron 2.0 I have doesn't seem to have voice acting, just the subtitles.
All the necessary sound files come with the game. No need to download any addtional files, in order to get speech. Though, it's always a good idea to download any patches. Which you said you've already done.

I suggest that the very first thing you do, before trying any other advice, is to locate your Tron 2.0 folder on the hard disk. It's probably at C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0, unless the game was installed to a custom directory.

Look for a file named WMFADist.exe inside the folder. Double click it, to run it. Let it do its thing. When it's finished, reboot the computer. Then try running Tron 2.0 again, and see if the speech is there.

If that doesn't work, visit my Unofficial FAQ. Click on the Troubleshooting link, then Sound Problems. One of the suggestions there might help.


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  Tron 2.0 
 Is Voice acting in Tron 2.0 Or just subtitles?