Jademz: if you're going to get a new mobo, then you may as well go Intel because Intel is just stomping all over AMD right now. And you're going to get better reliability and performance out of an "equivalent" Intel CPU.
Yes, the price will be just a little higher, but it's so worth it.
I highly recommend going to
www.overclock.net for some serious expert help (I mean, many of them are serious experts who have some true experience).
TRON.dll, you're right. Let's get back on topic. I have currently found two games that I am enjoying: Unreal II: The Awakening, and Quake 4. I'm enjoying them because of their graphics, especially Quake 4 with me watching the Lumenex Engine, and the Unified Architecture at work, as well as the Quantum Effects. But I think my favorite thing is how realistic the lighting looks with the shadows and stuff thanks to the Lumenex Engine. Unreal II has that going for it too, but it's not as impressive. hehe
But it's still a lot more impressive than I had anticipated.
But after I get that 9800 GTX+, I just might try the Crysis demo.. lol And here I went from saying "I want clean games" to "I might try the Crysis demo".
I'm still looking for something to make me go "whoa, those graphics are extremely impressive." I also want to experience the PhysX engine. But above all, the game must be story-driven, or have a good plot. I hated Unreal 3 Tournament because it didn't have a story-driven game in the single-player mode like I was hoping for.
Oh, and the following is almost a must: Left and Right arrow keys are strafe or slide (if it's a ship game like Freespace 2), and Up and Down arrows must be Jump and Crouch, or Slide Up and Slide Down. I need to use the mouse for turning. Left button for forward, right button for backward. Right CTRL for Fire. Shift for walk. The rest: who cares? Well, if there's Lean Left and Lean Right, then I always assign that to Delete and End because I always had Bank Left and Bank Right assigned to those keys.
I always use Page Up and Page Down for Next and Previous weapons. Basically, the whole area surrounding the arrow keys is my gaming environment. lol
Oh, and the game needs a good tutorial. lol I really liked the tutorials in Freespace 2, TRON 2.0, and Unreal II. And Subtitles are awesome. Oh how I enjoy subtitles. lol
Yeah, and it needs to to run at the highest settings on a single 9800 GTX+.
I think it would be cool to be able to use 16x Anisotropic Filtering, Gamma Correction, 16xQ Anti-Aliasing, Supersampling for Anti-Aliasing Transparency, and "High Quality" texture filtering. And of course, 1680x1050 sweet goodness.
With I can do that with Unreal II. But with Quake 4, I have to do 8x Anisotropic filtering, 4x Anti-Aliasing, and a couple of other nVidia settings that are slightly lower than normal. And in Quake 4, I have to reduce it to 1024 if I want to use the "High Quality" option. But I have everything as high as it will go otherwise.
But I guess this will just make me appreciate the 9800 GTX+ that much more!
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