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 Re-experiencing TRON 2.0 Single Player

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Re-experiencing TRON 2.0 Single Player

on Sunday, September, 28, 2008 5:20 PM
Back when I had my old computer, a Windows XP with 300 MB of RAM and a 500 GHz prossesor, and a 64 MB video card and BROKEN COOLING FAN to top it all off, I could only run TRON 2.0 on lowest settings at about 30-40 FPS. Sometimes, the Single Player mode action got so intense that the game would slow down to a crawl, and so I never finished it. Then, that user-forsaken fire hazard almost melted it's hard drive, and everyone in our household agreed that it was unusable and that it was time to get a new computer for the first time in 10 YEARS. So now, I've got a Windows Vista computer with a 128 MB integrated NVidia graphics card, about 3 Gigs of RAM, and a 2 GHz Processor. Natrually, I can now run TRON 2.0 at top settings at 60 FPS. After getting used to the game running the way it's supposed to, I'm finally returning to single player mode for the first time since about 2006. So far, I'm loving it, and I find it a bit more playable with this computer. I've never beaten TRON 2.0 single player before, and I plan to now. Yey.

With my old computer, I believe I got stuck on the mission after antiquated. On Xbox Killer App, I got stuck on the corruption level.

TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
I'll play any mode, but I'm best at LC.

PSN - TRON-dll
XBOX Live/Games for Windows Live - TRONdll
-I have a Wii, DS, and 3DS. PM me to exchange friend codes.
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Re: Re-experiencing TRON 2.0 Single Player

on Sunday, September, 28, 2008 6:09 PM
Congrats on the new computer and finally getting to experience TRON 2.0 the way it was intended to be.

It ran ok (acceptable and playable) on my old 2001 PC. I played the single player game with high visual settings but only at 800x600 resolution with the v-sync turned off. The frame rate was decent, but there was movement lag noticeable when playing. I actually had to turn down the settings all the way when playing online multiplayer light cycles or else I wasn't able to turn quick enough.

If/when I ever get a high-end computer, I plan to play it all the way through again. I played it about 4 or 5 times through within the first year of owning it. I'd like to see it on a really, really big screen with full graphics, no input-lag, and in true 3D! I'd need one of those PC 3D converter devices for that part, but if it were an option, I'd go for it!

Here's to making it all the way through to the end.

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Re: Re-experiencing TRON 2.0 Single Player

on Sunday, September, 28, 2008 7:20 PM
I second the congrats.
Should you ever play Tron with a newer generation Vcard, say like an 8600GTsli or better.. max everything out, you will get a better framerate while having vsync on and it's just an amazing experience.. as with all the rest of your games..

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  Tron 2.0 
 Re-experiencing TRON 2.0 Single Player