What if TRON 2.0/User Error Expansion/KillerApp.mod was a Steam or 360 game and had acheivements? I'll make a starting list, and I'll edit what everyone else says into this list. When you post suggestions, make it clear wether the acheivement is for TRON 2.0, User Error, or KillerApp.mod by stating which one it's for. Here we go!
Newest additions since last update are marked with a *.
Additions that have a corresponding image are marked with a
If the acheivement is submitted by someone other than me, their name will be in parentheses next to the acheivement.
Acheivement - Description
TRON 2.0
Digitizer - Get digitized into the world of the computer
Criminal - Derezz 40 Security Programs
Antivirus - Derezz 15 Z-Lots and Rector Scripts
Lightcyclist - Obtain the Lightcycle Rod
Super Lightcyclist - Obtain the Super Lightcycle Rod
1337 4@x3r - Bypass the FCon firewall
Handheld Computing - Enter Thorne's PDA
User Power - Complete the game without dying once
King of the Grid - Win 20 Lightcycle multiplayer Circuits
Disc Mastery - Win 30 Disk Arena multiplayer Matches
Derezzer - Get a combined total of 100 kills in multiplayer Derezz matches
Master User - Obtain all acheivements
Overclocker - Overclock the EN12-82 system's processor
Private Information - Obtain all E-Mails
Compound Interest Program - Get derezzed a total of 150 times in all multiplayer modes combined
Lightcycle Champion - Beat all single player lightcycle challenges
Breakout - Escape the lightcycle grid
DualCore - Beat the game in under 3 hours
TRON 2.0 - User Error Expansion
Security Breach - Defeat the Kernel
Secret Agent - Gain entry into the MI6 master server
LDSO - Find the LDSO logo
Grid Cleaner - Derezz 20 gridbugs in the system reboot mission
Bug Free - Obtain all acheivements
TRON 2.0 - Killer App Mod
Deadly Disks - Get 20 combined kills with the disc weapons in Derezz multiplayer matches.
ROFL - Get 25 kills with the LOL weapon
Resource Hog - In one derezz multiplayer match, obtain 30 energy and health orbs
Another Religious Nut - Play as TRON 1.0 for a total of 24 hours
Game Grid Champion - Obtain all acheivements
Code Monkey - Play as Jet for a total of 24 hours (Cam_the_Man)
*31337 4@x@r - Play as a Data Wraith for a total of 24 hours
*The Claw - Get a total of 40 kills with the Energy Claw in Derezz
*Power Blocker - Get a total of 70 combined kills by deflecting an opponent's disk back at them in Derez and Disk Arena using the power block.
Pictures Section
"King of the Grid" Acheivement
"Disk Mastery" Acheivement
"ROFL" Acheivement