Forum Rules: All Members Please Read on Saturday, January, 19, 2008 4:22 PM
Lately, a number of posts have been made here on Tron-Sector that are breaking what I would term "forum etiquette". Common sense rules that everyone should be abiding by.
I would prefer not to have to write up a set of "rules", as up until now we have managed to do fine without them. But lately, more and more posts are breaking these common sense rules. So I feel it's necessary to spell them out, and make members aware of them.
We at Tron-Sector reserve the right to change or amend these rules at any time.
Before you make a post, please take these points into consideration:
1. Before you post, please check the front page of the site and all the forums to see if the topic you wish to talk about has already been covered. Posts that announce news that has already been covered on the front page, or in another post, may be locked or deleted by the administrators.
2. If you forgot something that you wanted to mention, or made a mistake in your post, please don't immediately create another post. Members who spam like this to increase their post count, may be contacted by administators and warned not to continue this behaviour. Additional posts may be deleted.
Instead, please edit your original message by using the Edit icon in the upper right corner of that post.
3. Do not post the same message more than once, in multiple forums. This is considered spamming, and extra posts will be deleted by Tron-Sector administrators. People will find your original post, and comment on it if they wish to.
Trying to gain "extra attention" by posting more than once is considered rude. Also, it can lead to multiple, fragmented discussions on the same topic.
4. On a related note: members who sign up strictly to make posts that advertise merchandise or other sites - particularly if they're not related to TRON - will likely be deleted. If your purpose is not to participate in discussion here with your message posts, then don't even bother signing up as a member.
5. Posts using rude or inappropriate language, or linking to offensive material without providing an accompanying warning notice, will be deleted. Visitors to Tron-Sector are of all ages, ranging from young children to senior adults. Please help keep up Tron-Sector's family friendly environment by refraining from using foul language.
6. Posts on political and religious subjects will be allowed, but closely monitored by Tron-Sector admins. If the discussion gets out of hand, the admins reserve the right to lock or delete such discussions. Members attacking other members for any reason, will not be tolerated. If you have an issue with another member, please take it to private messages.
7. Please think about which forum your message belongs in, before posting. Again, use common sense when deciding in which forum to post your message. Discussion about merchandise and collectables belongs in the Collector forum, discussion about the arcade games in the Games: Arcade forum, off-topic discussions not about TRON in the Other Sectors forum, and so on.
Sometimes the admins may allow you to bend the rules if the post is regarding something brand new, and you'd like as many members as possible to see it by posting in the General forum. But the admins reserve the right to lock or delete posts that don't belong in a forum.
8. Please use a descriptive title in the subject line of your message posts. Members should not have to guess what your message is about. Admins may consider such posts to be spam, and delete them.
9. Please do not start random, nonsensical message topics. You are allowed to make posts of a whimsical nature in the Role Playing forums. But such topics in any other forums would be considered spam, and locked or deleted by an admin.
10. It is generally not a good idea to resurrect or start posting in old and inactive threads UNLESSwhere to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online
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