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 3rd person view and animation in solo game

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3rd person view and animation in solo game

on Monday, December, 17, 2007 4:06 PM
i have a solution to make 3rd person animation in solo game, with the cheat "mpasscam"
for the third view.
This animation is the same animation in mp.
Derez the game.rez and extract MODELBUTES.TXT (this file is in ATTRIBUTES folder).
With and text-editor search section "Jet_multi" (Model 95).
Copy NameId... to Animation... and paste in section "player" (Model 17) the same line.
Make directory ...\TRON 2.0\tcdg\game\ATTRIBUTES and insert the new MODELBUTES.TXT
I have'nt found where is the activation key with this code (mpasscam) to throw and block
the disc, but it's possible
Sorry if you have problems to read this message but i leave in "langue de Molière"

Sector Admin

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Re: 3rd person view and animation in solo game

on Monday, December, 17, 2007 5:43 PM
Greetings, Gonzague and welcome to TRON-Sector!

Thanks for sharing your information on how to play TRON 2.0 in the 3rd person. I watched the video.

Playing in the 3rd person would be very useful during the platforming part of the game - the part I derez a zillion times every time I play. I believe that in the Antiquated level.

Don't worry if you don't speak English perfectly. I understood you.

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Sector Admin

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Re: 3rd person view and animation in solo game

on Monday, December, 17, 2007 6:13 PM

Hi Gonzague, and welcome to Tron-Sector.

Yes, that's one way of making the animation work. There's another way that's a bit easier . . . just copy the multiplayer Jet model to the appropriate folder, and rename it. Same result.

This is something that's already been implemented in the Killer App mod. It's not really a huge deal, but it's kind of a cool little addition.

Gonzague Wrote:I have'nt found where is the activation key with this code (mpasscam) to throw and block
the disc, but it's possible
There's a way to reproduce that, but it relies on a bug in the engine. Basically, you have to be in mpasscam mode when the map changes.

Playing in 3rd person is pretty useless, though. You can't see where you're aiming. But I guess it's kind of cool, too.

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Posts: 0
Re: 3rd person view and animation in solo game

on Tuesday, December, 18, 2007 4:45 PM
Thank you very much, it's hard to find on the web TRON-2.0's community.
Exactly playing in the 3rd person would be very useful during the platforming part of the game,
this part of game is so difficult that is the reason why i have search the third person view and
3D models are very great, isnt'it.
In fact, the another way it's a bit easier, but it's my first experience with this engine.
I have tested mpasscam when the map changes and the aiming is correct for a game who is not TPS.
I search it was possible to improve movement...
One question, existing an RPG TRON's project. I think this map design is so interesting to make an RPG game,
there is no shader who are cathing ressource and then biggest map.
Sorry but i have not understood topic "Another dose of TRON": kesako ?


Posts: 1,077
Re: 3rd person view and animation in solo game

on Wednesday, December, 19, 2007 5:08 PM
Could anyone show some pics of this? That'd be cool...

"Happy is the man of reason who can face the world in season."


Posts: 0
Re: 3rd person view and animation in solo game

on Sunday, December, 23, 2007 1:05 PM
Hi there, i'm still having some trouble getting the 3rd person animations to work, TronFAQ or Gonzague could you be a bit more specific as to which folder i'm supposed to be copying and where to? I've extracted MODELBUTES and copied the jetmulti details to replace the player ones, but from there i'm a bit lost, do I put the file back into the rez or create a file structure in the Tron folder (that didn't work)? Any advice would be grately appreciated.


Posts: 0
Re: 3rd person view and animation in solo game

on Monday, December, 24, 2007 11:30 AM
have you apply the latest patch ?
Apparently the tcdg folder did'nt work in first version.

For the RPG tron game it's a question, existing a project ?


Posts: 135
Re: 3rd person view and animation in solo game

on Saturday, January, 05, 2008 11:58 AM
About the TCDG-Folder, i can just warn. When i invented/found this way to modify the game. it was ment for low-level modifications, so you don't have so much troubles when connecting to other servers not using the same modification.
The modification idea in here should be handled in a very careful way, modification done in the TCDG-folder are terrible to revert if you don't keep track of all the things you did.

About the Tron-RPG: i work on a comparable project called 'Diu'. Playing in a digital universe, but in the end it is not the Tron-story or -universe at all. But things are very close, so i guess those who like Tron might also like Diu. And no, there are no information about any release-date right now. For information you might want to look on my blog ( to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

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 3rd person view and animation in solo game