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 Is there hope from tron 2.0?

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Is there hope from tron 2.0?

on Tuesday, December, 04, 2007 11:03 PM
Considering tron 2.0 is an last generation game now its loosing a great battle with the introduction of next gen hardware. For example, from experience and what i've read the game has problems running on both leopard and vista whilst killer app still isnt supported on 360.
Is there any hope for a source code? are there (or will there be) patches from BV to make tron 2.0 run on newer technology? Or have BV just given up the tron community?

This is just something that annoys me about developers in this day and age, once they've gotten the game out the door and gained a few bucks they just dont care about the reprehensions of what will happen if they dont keep things up to date. Meh, least my GBA copy of Tron 2.0 wont stop working on new hardware!where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online

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Re: Is there hope from tron 2.0?

on Tuesday, December, 04, 2007 11:35 PM

thund3r Wrote:Or have BV just given up the tron community?

There won't be any more patches for any version of the game. I'm quite certain of that. MacPlay won't make a Leopard patch, and Microsoft won't update their 360 backward compatibility to include Xbox Killer App. If either of them did, I'd honestly be shocked.

As for the game having trouble in Vista. I'm still not using Vista yet, so I don't have any personal experience with this subject. But I've heard from plenty of people who are using Vista, that the game runs just fine for most of them.

I should have all the parts I need to build a new computer in about a week or so, and then I'll upgrade to Vista and find out for myself if there are any issues.

Regarding source code. Over two years ago, a group of us approached BVG and asked them about it. At first they seemed receptive. But then they stalled for months, and finally brushed us off.

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Posts: 4,450
Re: Is there hope from tron 2.0?

on Tuesday, December, 04, 2007 11:39 PM
I agree with tronfaw about this and I am not even bothing to install vista on any of my machines over here since I don't really have a need for it over here personally. I'm sticking with what I have under linux over here. And when I ocassionaly play tron 2.0 or the killer apps on my original xbox over here.

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To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.


Posts: 0
Re: Is there hope from tron 2.0?

on Wednesday, December, 05, 2007 7:37 AM
TronFAQ Wrote:

thund3r Wrote:Or have BV just given up the tron community?
Regarding source code. Over two years ago, a group of us approached BVG and asked them about it. At first they seemed receptive. But then they stalled for months, and finally brushed us off.

sounds to me like they dont really care tbh, there not exactly ID Software with their updates and releases but just fobbing you off like that seems like they cant be bothered with something that doesnt earn them anything.


Posts: 4,450
Re: Is there hope from tron 2.0?

on Wednesday, December, 05, 2007 11:30 AM
That is how some companies are not many of them like id software dtill does that for their line of software. Where they try and keep some of their software upto date with the current system specs or continue updating their applications for us to use.

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To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.


Posts: 4,349
Re: Is there hope from tron 2.0?

on Tuesday, December, 11, 2007 2:44 AM
I just can't believe how a game with an 8.0/10 rating and 3 Best of E3 2001 awards "fails".

The way I see it, BVG, oops, BVI, oops again, Disney Interactive (what's next?) needs to support us PAYING customers or go themselves from the gaming industry.on line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill online

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  Tron 2.0 
 Is there hope from tron 2.0?