I've been waiting for virtual reality (mainly in gaming) since the early 90's. I just KNEW it would be a part of the N64's game line up - as an add-on or accessory. But the closest we got was Star Fox 64. Cool 3D vector graphics (for the time) but still on a flat screen.
But surely the gaming systems to follow the PSX and N64 would offer true virtual reality, right?
Nope. Still no VR.
But the gaming systems after the Xbox, PS2, and GC would surely offer virtual reality. I mean the processing power is getting better and cost shrinking, so they've GOT to offer us the chance to really feel like we're IN the game, right?
Bzzzzt! STILL no virtual reality!
Screw it. I don't plan on buying another gaming system until VR gaming is standard (or an option) on them. I'm tired of flat-screen game play. I mean, it's still fun and I still enjoy my flat-screen games, but I really, REALLY want to be IN the game.
So all the flat-screen games in the world with their realistic particle effects and real-time light shading don't do much for me. They're just a tad better looking than what I'm playing now. So what? I'm more than READY for the lext dimension in gaming - the REAL THIRD DIMENSION!
But I'm not holding my breath. The gaming industry isn't developing VR games because flat-screen games are still great sellers and no one wants to take the plunge and spend R&D on true VR. I think we can blame that idiotic attempt at VR gaming called the Virtual Boy for that. It's not VR itself that people were turned off by, it was the PISS-POOR implementation of it! Grrrr.
So, I'm ALL for VR gaming and VR entertainment. Hell, I'm ready for holo-decks or games/experiences that take palce completely in the mine, appearing to be real to the person experiencing it. Too bad that technology won't exist while I'm still young enough to enjoy it.