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 King Of The Grid Week 4

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Posts: 130
King Of The Grid Week 4

on Tuesday, March, 27, 2007 10:25 PM

Team Light Cycle matches are still open for players to join. Challenger Circuit is first come, first served. The server is still undecided, so use your Tronlink to find us! See ya' there!

Sector Admin

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Re: King Of The Grid Week 4

on Saturday, March, 31, 2007 9:05 AM
Greetings, Avi and welcome to TRON-Sector!

Sorry that I accidentally deleted your very first post here. Sometimes I can be a REAL null unit!

Glad you re-posted.

Love the name you chose "Avi" - I'm a big video nerd and have about a zillion avi files on my computer.

A couple of threads you may want to hit are:

What's with your name? (even though it is obvious what your name represents, the story of why you chose it would be fun )


Don't forget to PING in every time you have yourself Another dose of TRON

I think you'll enjoy your time here at The Sector
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Posts: 130
Re: King Of The Grid Week 4

on Saturday, March, 31, 2007 11:39 AM
Thanks for bringing out the welcome wagon, Todd. This is a great site for all things TRON, and I would like to thank you for having a designated Tron 2.0 section for us gamers. We have a tournament every Friday evening, and it's a lot of fun. We'd like to invite everyone that has a copy of Tron 2.0 to join us and be part of the only online Tron tournament in the entire universe!

Sector Admin

Posts: 0
Re: King Of The Grid Week 4

on Saturday, March, 31, 2007 1:16 PM
You do this every Friday? Vrey cool!

It looks like it's a bit late for me though. I'm usually in bed at 11PM Friday evening (Eastern Daylight Savings) and it seems you start it just when I'm rezzing my power cycles down for the evening.

I used to hit the game grid ALL the time! Was addicted for at leat a couple of years - had MANY great times out there. I'd still be out there but the game grid servers dried up last year (mostly) and I find myself with less and less free time these days. Not enough micro-cycles in the day!

If Laryer went up against Mr. Anderson in the last bout, I'd put my built points on Layer. Both are VERY good players (far better than I), but I've gone up against Layer one too many times, had him in an inescapable trap, only to see him find his way back out and best me.

Am I right? Or was Mr. Anderson able to shut down Layer with his slick moves?

Either way, I'm sure it was a great duel!

I really miss the good old days on the light cycle game grid.

I have a few videos taken from February 2005. That was about the time when the regulars (as I called them) started to dwindle down. Over the next several months, I'd see less and less of them hitting it frequently.

I got pretty good at it for a while. Never quite as good as the masters (and not even close to dIrK ), but I did pretty well... when I wasn't slamming in to those damn walls!

Been a while. I'd suck pretty bad out there these days, but it really doesn't bother me much. The fun of the game for me was just being out there and enjoying everyone's company and some high-speed light cycle action.

I always said win or loose - there's just NOTHING like a good take down!

Man - I'm TOTALLY wanting to hit the game grid now... I just know if I do my wife will come through that door and ask why I haven't finished my chores though. She's good at that... and I'm good at putting off the chores.

I'm just rambling on now.

Great memories, the game grid. Very glad I took some video of it back in the day. Got some good footage of me being one of the last two on the grid only to choke... AFTER I performed my favorite move - the THREE TURNS OF DOOM! You know - when you mean to turn twice (reverse direction) and that second turn didn't seem to register, so in a split second you press that button a THIRD time just to find out that the 2nd press did indeed register and you slam in to your own jet wall. DOH! Yeah - I was unfortunately very good at that move!

I even have a great shot of death by lag! We've all seen it before - you are in front of the guy next to you, so you turn for the cut off only YOU DEREZ! Death by lag always sucked.

All right. That's more than enough for one post.
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Posts: 130
Re: King Of The Grid Week 4

on Saturday, March, 31, 2007 2:26 PM
LOL...Great reply!

Yes, Anderson took the title away from the mighty Layer...but next week is a Derez competition and all bets are off!

Too bad you don't visit the grid these days...I think things are starting to wind up again. Lots of good people that are in it for fun and not just to bash other players. Daddyo, Jademz, Sparks, Crash, and a bunch of others are there every day/night and all ego's are left at the door.

You have to come join us'll wonder why you ever left.


Posts: 2,991
Re: King Of The Grid Week 4

on Saturday, March, 31, 2007 2:53 PM
Rock on... I'm really interested in this. If I can plan some time aside, I would love to be part of it. I'm a huge Light Cycles freak.

I wished there was a game for Recognizers. It would be cool stomping tanks and chasing down programs. *hint to Disney*


Posts: 130
Re: King Of The Grid Week 4

on Saturday, March, 31, 2007 3:02 PM
The more the merrier...
I'm hoping that we'll have to split the matches up into 2 different servers due to over-population. One will be teams, the other singles. Every week, we will be rotating the type of match, so next week is Derez followed by Disc Arena, and then back to Light Cycles.
I'll post the next flyer up when we get all of the details together.


Posts: 0
Re: King Of The Grid Week 4

on Sunday, April, 01, 2007 3:46 AM
King of the grid is cool! there's more activity on the grid now that we've been doing tourneys. I noticed alot of people on DM and DA recently as well. Good times as usual.
More people are getting interested when they hear about the new Killer App mod LDSO is working on. There's alot of nice stuff in that one!
There's alot of cool stuff that's going into the game right now.

Sector Admin

Posts: 0
Re: King Of The Grid Week 4

on Sunday, April, 01, 2007 4:52 PM
Avi Wrote:LOL...Great reply!

Too bad you don't visit the grid these days...I think things are starting to wind up again. Lots of good people that are in it for fun and not just to bash other players. Daddyo, Jademz, Sparks, Crash, and a bunch of others are there every day/night and all ego's are left at the door.

The game grid servers have been pretty dried up lately. I would find Crash out there from time to time, but even he was hard to come by after a while. Of course, in the mean time, life has just gotten busy for me here. So much to do and not enough time. I always rant about that these days - like a broken record... er, corrupt repeating MP3 file.

And the regulars never had an ego on the game grid. That is a big part of why I loved the experience so much. They were all very cool to interact with and we all had a blast! The only trash talking was in obvious jest and there was often many laughs to be had. Sometimes it was hard to play as I'd get laughing so hard!

You should check out the Meet me on the game grid thread sometime. So many of my fond memories have been archived there.

Avi Wrote:You have to come join us'll wonder why you ever left.

Oh, I'm sure I'll be hitting the game grid again. Probably some weekend (and hopefully soon). I'd be over joyed to find some of the old regulars there again!

I'm curious - have we met on the game grid before? If you don't mind sharing - what name did you play under? PM me if it's something you don't want to broadcast. If you'd rather not say - that's cool too. I respect that. I played under a few names that I never told anyone about.

EDIT: Oh, I see you have been to that thread. Back up several pages some time - I used to write long recaps of my experiences out there. Ahh - the good old days!


Posts: 130
Re: King Of The Grid Week 4

on Sunday, April, 01, 2007 5:58 PM
I've been known as Avi ever since I bought Tron 2.0. I bought it in late 2005, became discouraged with the lack of online competition...then I discovered, and got back into it last Fall. I'm not a "veteran", but like everyone else, I promote the game everywhere I go (even suggested that we all buy a copy of the game and GIVE them to people that we know). There were a few nasty characters that would only show up to talk trash (and not in a friendly manner)...that REALLY put me off of the game! But after those people were basically exiled from the game and Boxhat, it is a peaceful place now with only friendly programs that are more than willing to help out a new script.

Without Bigred, Daddyo, Jademz, Tronfaq, Sparks, Crash, Layer, Anderson, and the rest of the gang, Tron 2.0 would have TRULY been dead long ago.

See ya' on the grid.

Sector Admin

Posts: 0
Re: King Of The Grid Week 4

on Sunday, April, 01, 2007 6:34 PM
Avi Wrote:I've been known as Avi ever since I bought Tron 2.0. I bought it in late 2005, became discouraged with the lack of online competition...then I discovered, and got back into it last Fall. I'm not a "veteran", but like everyone else, I promote the game everywhere I go (even suggested that we all buy a copy of the game and GIVE them to people that we know). There were a few nasty characters that would only show up to talk trash (and not in a friendly manner)...that REALLY put me off of the game! But after those people were basically exiled from the game and Boxhat, it is a peaceful place now with only friendly programs that are more than willing to help out a new script.

Without Bigred, Daddyo, Jademz, Tronfaq, Sparks, Crash, Layer, Anderson, and the rest of the gang, Tron 2.0 would have TRULY been dead long ago.

See ya' on the grid.

Yeah - there has been trolls on the game grid before. When they got too foul mouthed to handle, I just made it a point to derez them really quick and NEVER respond to their crap. When you ignore trolls, they usually bore quickly.

Sometimes, when there were enough players, we could turn it in to a game of "who can derez the troll first" It didn't always work though. Usually someone would engage the troll and try to reason with them (or just argue with them) and that just gave them more reason to stick around.

Trolls suck, but I've never let one chase me off the game grid. They can trash talk all they want. I ignore it (don't even look at the text after a while) and go about my game. Joke is on them - I'm still having FUN! And they're just wasting their time.

What sucks is when they start pretending to be other players by using other players names. BUT that trick doesn't last long - most people can usually spot a fake pretty quick. is a great place for active TRON 2.0 players to chat. Very cool of Bigred to provide and maintain it. abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


Posts: 130
Re: King Of The Grid Week 4

on Sunday, April, 01, 2007 8:59 PM
Yes, we are all in debt to Bigred...

When I bought the game, I pictured dozens of servers full of people racing light cycles night and day. Once I installed it, I couldn't even get the servers to show up (I was new to online gaming and didn't know what a "patch" was...oops). I Googled "Tron 2.0 Support" or something, and ran across Buena Vista's website (HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!). I noticed the petition to get Buena Vista games to release the code while searching through Google results, and contacted the author. That turned out to be Tronfaq. He e-mailed me with a link to the necessary patches and I was in business. Later that night, I ran Tron 2.0 to find the servers...empty. Discouraged, I continued to play the single player game for a few more days and then gave up on it.

Months later, I went to my nephew's house (I bought him a copy of the game also since he enjoyed the movie) and he was playing it. It made me want to jump back into it and finish the single player campaign. When I got home, I decided to check the servers just for kicks, and there was actually someone in there! It was Sparks. He was hanging out in a Disc Arena server. He explained that hardly anyone visits the grid anymore. We played a few rounds and parted ways.

The next night, I went back in looking for him but the servers were empty again. I hung out in a derez server, just running around and stuff, and read the ticker at the bottom of the screen. It said Visit I figured the site would be closed since no one played in the server anymore.

I checked it out.

Much to my surprise, Tron 2.0 was far from dead. Underneath the empty server browser lies a busy community of developers, players, and generally fun people. I got hooked all over again, and have been a part of this extraordinary group of enthusiasts ever since...even though I still have no idea who Bigred is. order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill

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 King Of The Grid Week 4