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 Tron 2.0 Speed run - why none yet?

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Posts: 131
Tron 2.0 Speed run - why none yet?

on Tuesday, February, 20, 2007 10:58 AM
As per:
why haven't we made one yet? i mean, with all the bugs that are in the game there has to be a few ones to exploit?

if anyone would like to attempt it, I would be very happy to mirror it.. (no matter the size)

I would do it myself but i happen to be a little preoccupied with my own Tron in game cutscene creation.

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Re: Tron 2.0 Speed run - why none yet?

on Tuesday, February, 20, 2007 11:57 AM

So... is the point to run through the game as fast as you can? Does this mean avoiding monsters and whatnot? I can't believe someone ran through Half Life 2 in under two hours.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 131
Re: Tron 2.0 Speed run - why none yet?

on Wednesday, February, 21, 2007 8:23 AM
Boingo_Buzzard Wrote:

So... is the point to run through the game as fast as you can? Does this mean avoiding monsters and whatnot? I can't believe someone ran through Half Life 2 in under two hours.
Well, kill all the monsters you like, point is from start to finish in quickest time possible.
im supprised you didnt know boingo..

but some ones i suggest you checkout for a good time!

Mario 64 - (16 stars)
Quake (nightmare)
Halflife - (in 30 mins..)(its on youtube but im not sure about SDA)

i enjoy them as they happen to be the best "walkthrough" you can get!

"So, You are a user, Facinating." "Yes" "No"
"Hah, ICP should stand for Incompetant Confused Programs."


Posts: 201
Re: Tron 2.0 Speed run - why none yet?

on Wednesday, February, 21, 2007 6:44 PM
I can tell you why there's been no speed runs. Because the game is mainly played by _fans_, deep fans, like us...and the whole POINT is to get to go back inside the world of the movie and soak up the atmosphere!

Get out quickly? Who wants to get out _quickly_? I'm in there to look around at all the gorgeous, surrealistic scenery and go "Wow, dude..." :P Okay, and to complete the quests, but at my own speed. I'll bet most other people here aren't in a hurry to leave when they boot up that game, either.


There are only two rules for success in life:

1. Never tell everything you know.

Posts: 131
Re: Tron 2.0 Speed run - why none yet?

on Saturday, February, 24, 2007 1:15 AM
Yes, but why not do a speed run and promote it a bit that way..

since its hard as hell to try and track down even a little trailer of the game.

"So, You are a user, Facinating." "Yes" "No"
"Hah, ICP should stand for Incompetant Confused Programs."


Posts: 0
Re: Tron 2.0 Speed run - why none yet?

on Saturday, February, 24, 2007 5:48 PM
That's a great idea! It might get people to like again! *pbbtth cough cough* I doubt anything will attract as many fans as other movies because only some people can appreciate the true genius behind the movie. I would try to do this, but my mom limits my game time on the computer. It would never work for me.


Posts: 0
Re: Tron 2.0 Speed run - why none yet?

on Friday, May, 11, 2007 5:55 AM
Hey guys...Just thought I'd let everyone know that there IS a Tron 2.0 speed run in the works.

I am doing one...yay for you guys!;action=display;num=1177178319
This is the link for the speedrun forum topic of the speedrun itself.

I also happen to have a few videos up on Youtube for anyone interested in them:
Hope you guys any comments to the youtube message board or on SDA or something...don't know if I'll have time to hang around these forums too much...see ya's...

Sector Admin

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Re: Tron 2.0 Speed run - why none yet?

on Saturday, May, 12, 2007 9:03 AM
Elaqure1 Wrote:Hey guys...Just thought I'd let everyone know that there IS a Tron 2.0 speed run in the works.

I am doing one...yay for you guys!;action=display;num=1177178319
This is the link for the speedrun forum topic of the speedrun itself.

I also happen to have a few videos up on Youtube for anyone interested in them:
Hope you guys any comments to the youtube message board or on SDA or something...don't know if I'll have time to hang around these forums too much...see ya's...

Greetings, Elaqure1 and welcome to TRON-Sector!

A TRON 2.0 speed run... sounds cool. I checked out one of your YouTube video links on break at work yesterday, but didn't have time to get far (didn't get past your config settings and stuff). I'll be hitting that to see the rest of it later.

It sounds like you're a busy guy with your other message forums and all, but I hope you check in with us here from time to time. I think you'll find that we have a lot of fun geeking out over our favorite subject: TRON! And we all have so many other similar interests in common as well.

A couple of threads you may want to hit are:

What's with your name?


Don't forget to PING in every time you have yourself Another dose of TRON

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Posts: 0
Re: Tron 2.0 Speed run - why none yet?

on Sunday, May, 13, 2007 2:04 AM
yeah...sorry about that damn stupid config crap...I'm cutting that stuff out of the next video...which I hope to post soon...been doing practice instead of actual recording...

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  Tron 2.0 
 Tron 2.0 Speed run - why none yet?