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 TCDG problem

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TCDG problem

on Sunday, January, 14, 2007 2:51 PM

I installed the old disc mod and all the graphics work beautifully but some sounds are missing and the ones that are still there are of the default disc. I checked in the mod directory and the wav files with their new sounds are all there and functioning correctly when i play them in a media player...anybody know why it won't work ingame? Thanksabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

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Re: TCDG problem

on Sunday, January, 14, 2007 4:12 PM

I'm afraid there's not much you can do about that problem.

I have the same issue. It depends on what sound card you have. Some people hear the new sound effects, others don't. It appears to be a bug in the game. It doesn't always play back custom sound effects on everyone's machine.

It has something to do with precisely how the sound file is formatted (bit rate, frequency, mono vs. stereo, etc). As you found out, the sound effects work fine outside of the game. But not in the game itself.

I could try reformatting the sounds in a different way, and post them somewhere for download. Reformatting them might do the trick. I'd have to test it.

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Re: TCDG problem

on Sunday, January, 14, 2007 4:46 PM
That would be awesome, although I myself have software for editing sound media and can save in any bitrate at any sampling frequency in any format. Of course the more i play with it the more garbage its gonna sound so the original source would be best to manipulate and I know nothing about what format its supposed to be in but if you want i can help out with that.


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Re: TCDG problem

on Sunday, January, 21, 2007 1:11 PM
Well your advice was good. I reformatted all audio into 16 bit PCM mono at 44 khz and it worked in game. It was some weird version of stereo before. Thanks

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  Tron 2.0 
 TCDG problem