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 User Error Mod Update

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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
User Error Mod Update

on Wednesday, December, 06, 2006 9:03 AM

I uploaded an updated version of the User Error mod by Meatsack. The updated version replaced the old one in the Tron-Sector File Archive.§ion=2&category=6&group=Mods
For an explanation as to why it was updated, read about the reason HERE.



Posts: 8
Re: User Error Mod Update

on Monday, December, 11, 2006 11:53 AM
I installed this mod in hopes of playing it recently, but I don't know how to access it.

I installed the mod in the directory specified in the instructions, started the game, clicked the "Custom" button, enabled the "User Error" mod, and then what? When I went into the game and started a new single player game, it just took me to the usual Tron game.

How does one access the new levels/mod?


Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: User Error Mod Update

on Monday, December, 11, 2006 12:52 PM

You probably have too many custom maps installed. There's a limit that the game has, and once you reach that limit the game will start ignoring the remaining map/mod files.

Download REZ Handler to help you install and manage your maps/mods. It lets you know what the limit is, and automatically helps you out with it.

If you disable some of the map files, then the mod will work.

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Posts: 8
Re: User Error Mod Update

on Monday, December, 11, 2006 5:17 PM
Thanks for the follow up message TronFAQ, however, the "User Error" mod is the only one I have installed. What am I missing?

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: User Error Mod Update

on Monday, December, 11, 2006 5:44 PM

So the file is located at C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\Custom\Mods\UserError\UserError.REZ? And you clicked the Custom button on the launcher, and put an X in the box beside it to enable the mod? And you have no other maps or mods installed?

Hmm, that's weird. Tell me, when you have the mod enabled and go into the game, what do you see at the top right of the screen? Does it say "1.042 - Retail" or "1.042 - UserError"?

Did you patch the game yet? It shouldn't matter, but if you didn't patch the game then you won't see anything in the top right corner (the version will be on the bottom right).

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Posts: 8
Re: User Error Mod Update

on Monday, December, 11, 2006 6:46 PM
I figured out the problem.

I had the directory called "User Error" with a space in the name of the folder. When I renamed it to "UserError" without a space, it worked fine.

The Readme.txt file contained in the .RAR file says to call the directory "User Error" WITH a space in the name. Perhaps there's a typo?
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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: User Error Mod Update

on Tuesday, December, 12, 2006 12:48 PM

Yup, that was a typo. Glad to hear you got it working.

I always recommend people use REZ Handler to install their maps and mods, it gets rid of the hassle of installing these things manually. It also monitors how many maps and mods you have, and warns you when you go over the limit. Plus it automatically disables enough maps if you go over, to keep the game functioning properly.


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 User Error Mod Update