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  Tron 2.0 
 blank screen in setup

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blank screen in setup

on Monday, October, 23, 2006 9:21 AM


Posts: 0
blank screen in setup

on Monday, October, 23, 2006 9:25 AM
When I set up TRON 2.0, I click restart now, and it just sits there with a black screen! In Program Manager, the setup program does not appear to be doing anything, so I end the process. When I restart the computer, I install the patch, and it gives me this error message:

Setup has detected a problem with your existing TRON 2.0 installation. This can occur if
a Windows "Wrong Volume" error stops the initial game installation from completely
finishing. This can result in problems updating or uninstalling the game. The text
below outlines steps to repair the installation. These steps can be copied to a Notepad
file for reference after this Update's installation is aborted.

To completely remove the existing TRON 2.0 installation:

-Delete the root TRON 2.0 directory. The default path is
C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interative\TRON 2.0.

-From the Start menu, select Run, type in "regedit" (without the quotes) and then hit
OK to open the registry editor. Using the left pane, explore to the following two keys
and delete them:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Monolith Productions\Tron 2.0]
To reinstall TRON 2.0 and successfully complete the installation:

-Disable any anti-virus software prior to installation. The anti-virus software can be
enabled again after installation is complete.

-Install TRON 2.0 as usual. If the "Wrong Volume" error appears at the end of the
installation, leave the error message on screen, eject CD2 from the drive, insert CD1,
wait 15 seconds for the CD drive to read CD1 and then select the Try Again option from
the "Wrong Volume" error message's pop-up window. Be careful not to select Continue as
this will result in another faulty installation.

After the steps above are completed, Update 2 can be installed.

I've followed the instructions, but it doesn't do anything! Help!

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Sector Admin

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Re: blank screen in setup

on Monday, October, 23, 2006 7:24 PM
Greetings, stratman3001 and welcome to TRON-Sector!

I'm sorry you're having some trouble with TRON 2.0. Sit tight though. I'm sure TRON-Sector member and answers of all things TRON 2.0 related redrain85 will stop by soon and offer some advice.

If not, I'm sure someone else will be able to give you some insight. I'm sorry that I'm no good with these things myself.

In the meantime, maybe enjoy some of what TRON-Sector has to offer.

A couple of threads you may want to hit are:

What's with your name?


Don't forget to PING in every time you have yourself Another dose of TRON

I think you'll enjoy your time here at The Sector
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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: blank screen in setup

on Monday, October, 23, 2006 8:07 PM

Stratman, sounds like you need to start over completely. If you followed those instructions, Tron 2.0 should be completely gone. So you'll need to install the game again, and then install the patch.

When you install the game again, make sure you aren't running any unnecessary programs. A virus scanner could interfere with the setup process. Download and use this program . . .

It will allow you to safely shut down all unnecessary programs, before you attempt to install again.

Also, try visiting my FAQ and read through the Troubleshooting section for more tips.


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  Tron 2.0 
 blank screen in setup