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 Requesting help from my fellow programs

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Requesting help from my fellow programs

on Monday, August, 21, 2006 2:57 AM
I have been playing and enjoying Tron 2.0 on my computer. Well, when I complete the level "Transport Station" and the level "Primary Digitizing" is loading, the Lithtech Client MFC Application encounters a problem and shuts down my game. What can I do to finally get around that and finish playing this AWESOME game? I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game to no avail. Please, any help to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.


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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Requesting help from my fellow programs

on Monday, August, 21, 2006 1:25 PM

Hmm. Well, about 90% of the time, any problems with the game are sound related. Either because the sound driver crashed the computer, or there's a problem with the sound codecs installed.

First thing I'd do is find out what sound chip/card you have, and make sure you have the latest drivers for it.

Then I'd check to see if you have any "codec packs" installed, like Nemo, Tsunami, K Lite, etc. Codec packs usually cause more trouble than they're worth. Uninstall them, and install the codecs you need individually. You might want to run the program "WMFADist.exe" in the Tron 2.0 directory, afterward.

If none of that helps, you can try turning down the DirectX hardware sound acceleration. Visit my FAQ site and look in the troubleshooting section under sound problems, to find out how to do this.

If there's still no joy, then before you finish the level, try hitting the "T" key and type "mpmaphole". It probably won't help, but it's worth a try.

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Re: Requesting help from my fellow programs

on Tuesday, August, 22, 2006 4:57 AM
Alright, it hasn't worked. I installed the latest drivers for Realtek AC '97, tried using mpmaphole, and adjusted the DirectX acceleration all the way down and it still crashes. I figured the problem wasn't sound related, as the sound has been fine on the previous levels, but I had to be sure. There are no codecs installed. I'm currently using the "official" 1.042c patch. I'm gonna install the unofficial patch and see if that helps at all. If not, then I'm screwed. Which would suck big hairy monkey balls since I was really into this bad@ss game! I'll let you know if the unofficial patch helps or not in my next post. Let's hope it does.


-End Of Line-


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Re: Requesting help from my fellow programs

on Tuesday, August, 22, 2006 5:33 AM
That still didn't work! This is starting to piss me off. One last option is to try renaming those 4 codec files you mentioned. If that still doesn't work, then I guess I won't ever get to finish this awesome game. I'll let you know how it goes.


-End Of Line-

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Requesting help from my fellow programs

on Tuesday, August, 22, 2006 11:31 AM

Well, even if the game didn't crash before, it doesn't mean there isn't a problem with the sound driver or codecs. But it's beginning to sound like that's not the problem.

Have you tried turning off the sound and then loading the level? If it still crashes even with the sound off, then you'll know it's not a sound problem. The FAQ shows how to turn off the sound.

The next most likely thing, is other programs running in the background that can interfere. Make sure no unnecessary programs are running while playing the game.

The next most likely after that, is to try upgrading your video drivers to the latest.

If none of that works . . . then that sucks.

There are a whole bunch of tips in the troubleshooting section of the FAQ, read through them and maybe there's something else that will help.

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Re: Requesting help from my fellow programs

on Tuesday, August, 22, 2006 7:13 PM
Ok, while following through with renaming the 4 codec files listed on your FAQ. I noticed that there is no lameacm.acm file and the l3codecx.acm file was actually named Could this have anything to do with it? I renamed the files I found anyway and ran WMFADist.exe and it didn't replace the renamed l3codecp.acm, l3codecx.acm, imaadp32.acm, or add the lameacm.acm file. The ones that didn't get replaced I renamed them back to their original file name, minus l3codecx, which I changed it to the .acm extension to see how it works like that. I'll let you know how that works out.


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Re: Requesting help from my fellow programs

on Tuesday, August, 22, 2006 7:38 PM
what are the specs on your computer? Try D/L the newest drivers, then uninstall all of the drivers, then reinstall your drivers.
install the video drivers last. Be sure you use the manufacturers drivers. (I cancel all windows automatic driver install msgs.)

if that doesn't do it, you may have a video card problem, such as power settings, or whatnot, or the card is toast.
the same applies to RAM. you can run a diagnostic on RAM from, however most people dont bother untill a tech does it for them.

I've had the same problems, so I'd start there.

if you have recently had a power surge, and/or no uninterruptable power supply(UPS), (or a really good surge protector for electronics) the problem can be harder to find.

There are things you may try also, like turning the enhancements to the video off, as they can be tricky, depending on the brand, and sensitivity to voltage, or overclocking.


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Re: Requesting help from my fellow programs

on Wednesday, August, 23, 2006 1:13 AM
Hey programs, thanks for all your help! I've finally figured out what the problem was! I was reading the technical report of the crash and discovered it might have to do with the .acm codecs, as after the line that said fault reported it listed one of the l3codecs. So, as I was reading reddrain85's FAQ about those codecs, I discovered that l3codecx was named, not l3codecx.acm as stated in the FAQ. So I decided renaming the file to .acm would be worth a shot. After renaming the file I loaded up Tron, finished "Transport Station", skipped the movie, and hoped for the best. Well, "Primary Digitizing" finally loaded! YES!!!!!! Thanks for all your help. Now I'm gonna go continue wreaking havoc on the corruption. Thanx again my fellow programs!

Peace, Love and lotsa Ganj

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Re: Requesting help from my fellow programs

on Wednesday, August, 23, 2006 7:44 AM
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 Requesting help from my fellow programs