Traahn User
Posts: 3,301 | Dronez- Tronlike on Monday, June, 19, 2006 1:14 AM
I was just digging thru some old archive CDs that I burned a long time ago, and saw a URL I saved: That URL no longer exists, but it was for a Tron-like game called "Dronez" that was being worked on at the time. (I was watching it 6 or 7 years ago, waiting for its release, but then forgot about it.) Did anyone every play this?
It has Tron influences. I confirmed they were somewhat inspired by Tron when I asked them in email if they were(several years ago).
I've never played, and now I want to. Anyone know where to buy it? Here are a couple links. If you go to the 2nd link and then click the video tab, there's a video you can download. (Warning for 56K users: Only the medium and low resolution videos worked for me)...
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TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: Dronez- Tronlike on Monday, June, 19, 2006 4:43 AM
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Traahn User
Posts: 3,301 | Re: Dronez- Tronlike on Tuesday, June, 20, 2006 1:02 AM
Bummer. Thanks for checking on that, I was too busy just trying to track down Dronez screenshots and seeing if the developer was still around that I didn't have a chance to see if the game was released yet.
I wonder if it was releases for the XBOX. This article amits it wasn't ever released retail for the PC:
I check xbox.ign and don't see any reviews for Dronez. So it was probably never released for it either. Either the game sucked, or it was too originally good that mainstream people were incapable of appreciating it, so it was canceled
PS: How this thread got in the "Collector" forum is beyond me. I must've been way tired when I created the thread, or the grid bugs struck.
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Tron Fanatic User
Posts: 1,461 | Re: Dronez- Tronlike on Thursday, August, 31, 2006 2:02 PM
Heh, I remember this. I was posting on that thread as well. One of the developers came on one of the Tron forums (back when this was still called "Auric's Sector", probably around 1998 ) and mentioned it to us. They showed off some cool screens and said there would be a world wide release for the arcade game that would allow for multiplay over some kind of global arcade network. A couple months later they just disappeared off the face of the Earth. I figured Disney ate them for copyright infringement or something after they admittedly stated on our boards that the game was a Discs of Tron clone.
'> |
Traahn User
Posts: 3,301 | Re: Dronez- Tronlike on Sunday, September, 10, 2006 8:37 PM
That's a shame. I would've liked to see this game in action. Thanks for even more background on this game's history!
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Boingo_Buzzard User
Posts: 0 | Re: Dronez- Tronlike on Sunday, September, 10, 2006 11:41 PM
Tron Fanatic Wrote: I figured Disney ate them for copyright infringement or something after they admittedly stated on our boards that the game was a Discs of Tron clone. |
Possibly. But a *lot* of games bite the dust before they even see the light of day. I remember there was this game called "The Lost" that was supposed to be on the PS2 and was about some woman that lost her child and went to Hell to find her. It looked like a completely kick-ass game, but never came to be. Also like Duke Nukem 4.
Jademz User
Posts: 0 | Re: Dronez- Tronlike on Monday, September, 11, 2006 12:18 AM
I have to say, that does look like a original tron glow, that was "re"-released by nvidia with Tron 2.0, as though it was a specific feature to nvidia, thanks to Tron... So, it's my opinion, the game was ignored for that reason. It does look pretty original, as though they tried to make it very different..order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: Dronez- Tronlike on Monday, September, 11, 2006 1:29 AM
Boingo_Buzzard Wrote:I remember there was this game called "The Lost" that was supposed to be on the PS2 and was about some woman that lost her child and went to Hell to find her. It looked like a completely kick-ass game, but never came to be. |
The Lost is still coming out. It was being developed as a partnership between two companies, but they had a falling out. Apparently, one partner is gone and the new partner in their place plans to release it.
But it's switched from a PS2 game to a PC/Xbox game.
It's interesting to read that the game was originally going to use the Lithtech engine . . .
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Traahn User
Posts: 3,301 | Re: Dronez- Tronlike on Monday, September, 11, 2006 2:17 AM
I'm going to quote the nVidia page here before nVidia does away with their Dronez page. For archival purposes for this thread:
DroneZ transports you to a hostile future that, because of neglect and pollution, has forced people to live immersed in feedback units. These units, which are connected to the V-Space network, are dominated by Artificial Intelligences who forbid people to disconnect.
With the help of a hacker from the real world, an intruder will attempt to hack the AI protected network to take-over the enemy memory locations and destroy their defenses.
You will guide the hero through astonishing bio-technologic environments while fighting against diverse, stunning creatures in your quest to break all barriers. If successful, the hacker will be able unlock all the exits and finally free mankind from the braces of the AIs.
When Zetha gameZ decided to create the first 3D game set in cyberspace, one of the most challenging issues was to create a peculiar illumination model that delivered an appearance of both solid and unreal—one of the key features of their 3D engine, the nGenius II. This custom illumination model was so innovative that, at the time, no video card on the market could support it in hardware—the standard DirectX and OpenGL T&L simply was not powerful enough for this new technology.
The GeForce3 finally made their vision real!
"We didn't limit our design to just push more polygons on the screen. The real deal is no longer just how many polygons you draw, but what you do with those polygons and what quality level you can achieve. We wanted a game that looked unmistakable in any single frame, and that's what we achieved," says Giovanni Caturano, Project Leader.
"Thanks to OpenGL vertex programs, the nGenius II custom illumination code can be totally transferred to the nFiniteFX engine, along with many other geometric features. The combination of Vertex and Pixel Shaders allows for incredibly realistic bump mapping that is per-pixel precise, per-light accurate and also performs environment reflections," says Carmine della Sala, 3D Coder and Author of nGenius II.
All these complex computations are performed in hardware on the GeForce3, leaving the main CPU free for other processes like handling the relative gravity, the polygon-accurate collisions and the diverse artificial intelligence threads.
DroneZ features many exclusive features including a custom portal technology and an extremely smooth animation + skinning system called "procedural flexion." These features take advantage of the nFiniteFX engine of the GeForce3 resulting in unprecedented quality and detail, while still maintaining an absolutely blazing frame rate. Enabling HRAA for extra-smooth rendering helps immerse users into the DroneZ virtual environment and also creates an amazing gaming experience! |
I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^ |
THX1138.exe User
Posts: 0 | Re: Dronez- Tronlike on Friday, October, 06, 2006 1:33 PM
The game sucks, and is pretty much nothing like Tron. To top it off, its not in English lol!