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 The ultimate Tron collectible set :)

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Posts: 4
The ultimate Tron collectible set :)

on Saturday, April, 08, 2006 1:36 AM

After years of 'lurking' here on the boards, I'm finally putting forth the effort to contribute in any way that I can and as often as I can. On that note, why not start by sharing the absolute coolest Tron item(s) that I have ?

For those of you who don't collect vintage Tron items, all I can say is, what are you waiting for (see my thread in the general discussion forum)!?!

The lightcycles in the pic below are some of the rarest of all Tron items. They are bootlegs that were made in Taiwan and sold mainly in Canada but also throughout Asia. Finding them loose is quite a challenge but finding them loose with the driver and cord is impossible. Finding a boxed example can literally take years (trust me on this ). Although I don't know what colors Martin has boxed, I only know of two other boxed examples. Considering that these cycles came in 5 different colors, I'm not 100% sure that all of the colors have even been found MIB (mint in box) before. That is, until now!

All five Laser Cycle Bootlegs MIB!
To give you an idea of how rare these are, I've been looking for them since 2001/2 and have only seen ONE on eBay. Although I would sometimes go a week or two without searching for Tron items on eBay early on, I've faithfully searched for Tron items 2 to 3 times daily since 2002/03. Ever since I missed those Disney costume auctions, I've been searching with quite a bit of frequency ;^).

About the cycles themselves. The yellow one been removed from the box, but is still in near mint condition. The other 4 cycles are actually still SEALED!!!! Does anyone else have them? I would love to here from anyone else about these, or the Argentine 'motolaser' bootlegs.

-Timothy C

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Posts: 3,301
Re: The ultimate Tron collectible set :)

on Saturday, April, 08, 2006 10:25 AM
Ever since I missed those Disney costume auctions, I've been searching with quite a bit of frequency ;^).
Sadly, I saw them But didn't have the $$ and didn't fully realize at the time that I should've paid more attention to them.

Those are some cool light cycles there. Good job on finding them... you've been quite tenacious with your Tron collectibles! order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pill

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^

Posts: 29
Re: The ultimate Tron collectible set :)

on Friday, April, 14, 2006 11:13 AM

Sorry I can't help; you're right; those lightcycles are probably the rarest Tron items going.

All I have of note is a replica of Flynn's Jacket and the top half of his catsuit, made for me by a costume designer, here, in the UK. (She worked on The Phantom Menace and the Harry Potter movies.) I don't wish to offend anyone else who has made a stab at the costumes, but with a little bit of insider help - at Disney - she made these to perfection, and really should be in business making and selling the costumes, as I'm sure, at least a few of us here would take them off her hands.

Best of luck!

Sector Admin

Posts: 609
Re: The ultimate Tron collectible set :)

on Monday, July, 10, 2006 1:05 PM
I'm a collector of the Laser Cycles as well. I have the Blue one loose with rip cord and the Silver one brand new with rip cord fresh out of the box. I sold the box and robot to someone here on the forums. I sold my extra yellow one to Davetron via eBay.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 5,314
Re: The ultimate Tron collectible set :)

on Monday, July, 10, 2006 1:08 PM
BlueTronWarrior Wrote:I'm a collector of the Laser Cycles as well. I have the Blue one loose with rip cord and the Silver one brand new with rip cord fresh out of the box. I sold the box and robot to someone here on the forums. I sold my extra yellow one to Davetron via eBay.

That was you? Cool to know! I like having it. Hope to evantually find the others on cards.abortion pills online cytotec abortion


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 The ultimate Tron collectible set :)