Hey - congrats on your TRON 2.0 purchase!
The single-player adventure is a lot of fun. My first time through, I had trouble putting the game down it was so addicting!
And once I started playing online multiplayer light cycles - well, I just fell in love with it! I mean, I've been wanting to play that for more than two decades! And I finally could!
Just remember to install the latest patch for the game first BEFORE you get in to the single-player adventure. If you start saving your single-player adventure before installing the patch, and then go to install the patch - your save status will not work and you'll have to start all over again. For some reason, the saved game data is not compatible pre-patch and post-patch.
On the game grid - make sure you give yourself time to get used to playing against live players. You may find yourself eating a lot of jet walls before you even come close to being competitive out there.
Just remember - we ALL get our come-upp'ins on the game grid. It takes time to get good - but it's worth it! The game is a BLAST to play!
TRON-Sector members often try to hook up with each other by posting in this thread before playing:
And a follow-up post to your game is cool too. I've made many posts about who I met up with out there and shared some moments from my online light cycle adventures. A lot of things can happen out there - from funny moments, to great take-downs worthy of praise!