KingKaddish User
Posts: 30 | Dedit prefabs not appearing. on Monday, November, 28, 2005 3:29 AM
I have tryed MANY times. to get trontools_setup_v13.bat to extract the prefabs. but it get this EVERY time ...
Stage 8 of 9 Complete
The System cannot find the path specified.
The System cannot find the path specified.
The System cannot find the path specified.
The System cannot find the path specified.
The System cannot find the path specified.
The System cannot find the path specified.
The System cannot find the path specified.
The System cannot find the path specified.
The System cannot find the path specified.
The System cannot find the path specified.
The System cannot find the path specified.
The System cannot find the path specified.
The System cannot find the path specified.
Stage 9 of 9 complete.
....whats going on?
(here is what it says in it.
@echo off
echo Tron Tools Setup batch file v1.3 (01/15/04)
echo ===========================================
echo Written by Rod Rehn (aka tronfaq or redrain85)
echo Downloaded from the TRON 2.0 Unofficial FAQ site
echo This batch file extracts all the files necessary to edit in v1.030,
echo v1.040, and v1.042, and lets DEdit see all the prefabs properly.
echo Extraction of game resources requires approx. 2.5 GB of HD space.
echo Extracting .REZ files, this will take a while so please be patient . . .
cd "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\Tools"
lithrez x "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\game2.rez" "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\game"
echo Stage 1 of 9 Complete
lithrez x "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\game.rez" "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\game"
echo Stage 2 of 9 Complete
lithrez x "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\sound.rez" "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\game"
echo Stage 3 of 9 Complete
if exist "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\gamep3.rez" lithrez x "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\gamep3.rez" "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\game"
echo Stage 4 of 9 Complete
if exist "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\gamep4.rez" lithrez x "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\gamep4.rez" "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\game"
echo Stage 5 of 9 Complete
lithrez x "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\Samplemaps\samplemaps.rez" "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\game"
echo Stage 6 of 9 Complete
:: ================================ CUT HERE ================================
if exist "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\gamep5.rez" lithrez x "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\gamep5.rez" "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\game"
echo Stage 7 of 9 Complete
if exist "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\gamep6.rez" lithrez x "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\gamep6.rez" "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\game"
echo Stage 8 of 9 Complete
:: ================================ CUT HERE ================================
echo. > "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\Game\PREFABS\GLOBAL\INTERACTIVE\DirTypePrefabs"
echo. > "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\Game\PREFABS\GLOBAL\STATIC\DirTypePrefabs"
echo. > "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\Game\PREFABS\GLOBAL\STATIC\DATABLOCKS\NEW_BLUE\DirTypePrefabs"
echo. > "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\Game\PREFABS\GLOBAL\STATIC\DATABLOCKS\NEW_RED\DirTypePrefabs"
echo. > "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\Game\PREFABS\GLOBAL\STATIC\DATABLOCKS\NEW_YELLOW\DirTypePrefabs"
echo. > "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\Game\PREFABS\GLOBAL\TRIGGERS\DirTypePrefabs"
echo. > "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista In
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: Dedit prefabs not appearing. on Monday, November, 28, 2005 6:03 AM
If you got those errors during Stage 9, then you also got one during Stage 6 no doubt.
The reason you're having a problem, is because the prefabs file isn't in the spot the batch file is expecting it to be.
After you've extracted the tools, there should be a folder called "Samplemaps". You put this folder into the Tron 2.0 directory. You should also place the "Tools" folder into the Tron 2.0 directory.
You probably have both of these folders inside one called "TRON_Tools". Move them out of there, and into the Tron 2.0 directory. Then the batch file will find the prefabs.
LDSO • Facebook • Twitter • YouTube • DeviantArt
KingKaddish User
Posts: 30 | Re: Dedit prefabs not appearing. on Monday, November, 28, 2005 1:16 PM
I just ran the program again, there were ( ) other errors. Just at prefabs section.
here is what cmd.exe showed...!i9QvoQEnyx7gGj6Mid4f20oo9i69vCcjdEvontrXAZ2nPvug4PAPS*Z4Qn*fu3Sip6UpSNzrO67wnCjmC6kXhWwX3ZqmI*zTKxo/Image1.jpg?dc=4675549563592409707
PLZ help
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: Dedit prefabs not appearing. on Monday, November, 28, 2005 6:41 PM
LDSO • Facebook • Twitter • YouTube • DeviantArt
KingKaddish User
Posts: 30 | Re: Dedit prefabs not appearing. on Monday, November, 28, 2005 6:43 PM
FINNALY A REPLY POST ((WITH)) a possible solution!!!!
I am rerunning the program now with the files (from your link now)
I will reply if it works or not.
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: Dedit prefabs not appearing. on Monday, November, 28, 2005 6:47 PM
Well . . . I did write that batch file, after all. Heh. So it's my obligation to help.
Too bad the tools didn't come with clear instructions on how to set them up, so all this fuss wouldn't be necessary.
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KingKaddish User
Posts: 30 | Re: Dedit prefabs not appearing. on Monday, November, 28, 2005 6:57 PM
You were right, the TRON_Tools I had was installed was a 12mb version. the current was 13.1mb
...that fixed it.
Well I am off ot finish learning map making. OOT!
King OUT!
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | Re: Dedit prefabs not appearing. on Monday, November, 28, 2005 7:21 PM
LDSO • Facebook • Twitter • YouTube • DeviantArt
KingKaddish User
Posts: 30 | RE: Dedit prefabs not appearing. on Friday, November, 26, 2010 6:19 PM
any chance that still have that file laying around somewhere? same ol prob again
TronFAQ Sector Admin
Posts: 4,467 | RE: Dedit prefabs not appearing. on Saturday, November, 27, 2010 7:08 AM
LDSO • Facebook • Twitter • YouTube • DeviantArt
KingKaddish User
Posts: 30 | RE: Dedit prefabs not appearing. on Saturday, November, 27, 2010 10:26 PM
Many thanks yet again program.where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online