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 Religious influences in Tron?

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Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Thursday, December, 01, 2005 8:24 AM
Qix77 Wrote:I'm not really confortable with people uploading or downloading me with a teleporter... I might not have that many molocules, but their mine, damn it... and I like where they are at the moment...

I can see it now... Sketch, Trace, and Dave are beaming me in till Dave decides to pull a prank that goes wrong.... and all of a sudden my molocules gets scattered all across the solar system....

I can also see Dave say, "uhh... Sorry about that Qix." which is shortly followed by, "Sketch, lets get a pizza."... and go about his merry way...

Thanks a lot Dave...


Are you sure it wouldn't be Trace pulling that prank... or possibly me?

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What should I put here today?

Posts: 2,991
Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Thursday, December, 01, 2005 8:41 AM

You're right... Everyone of you are guilty.... I better watch my back... or better yet, my molocules from now on. lol


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Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Thursday, December, 01, 2005 8:45 AM
Qix77 Wrote:
You're right... Everyone of you are guilty.... I better watch my back... or better yet, my molocules from now on. lol

Mehhhh! *Fangly evil grin* Those molecules..... LET'S DE-MOLECULE-FY HIM!


What should I put here today?

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Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Tuesday, December, 13, 2005 10:56 PM
On teleporters and the like... Sorry to be a killjoy, but Lawrence Krauss did an analysis of what a working transporter would require in The Physics of Star Trek. Here's what he has to say:

building a transporter would require us to heat up matter to a temperature a million times the temperature at the center of the sun, expend more energy in a single machine that all of humanity presently uses, build telescopes larger than the size of the Earth, improve present computers by a factor of 1000 billion billion, and find a way around the laws of quantum mechanics.

And that's just step one.abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


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Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Tuesday, December, 13, 2005 11:09 PM
That's what they said about the telephone, too! And boy, were they wrong!

Harpo989: The original fConer. (Now with (0rr[up73d fruit flavoring!)
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Posts: 4,467
Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Wednesday, December, 14, 2005 5:24 AM

I think Star Trek transporters are entirely possible. We just don't have advanced enough technology or a good enough understanding of physics, yet.

If you've read about the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, you can see why it might actually be possible one day.

Off topic . . . hey, this makes post 1111 for me. Cool.



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Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Wednesday, December, 14, 2005 12:28 PM
Did you even read what I had to say?

Harpo, yeah people have said that certain technologies were impossible and have been wrong, but that doesn't mean that everything is possible. And I've never read a quote that went into any detail on why the telephone was impossible.

Redrain, quantum entanglement, teleportation, etc. involve the duplication of the state of one atom in another atom. This means that they are a transfer of information, NOT a movement of matter.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online

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Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Wednesday, December, 14, 2005 1:50 PM

I had a nice long response written out, but never mind.

One thing I might suggest, is lighten up a bit there Conduit. Just because we offer a different point of view, doesn't mean you have to snap at us.

Maybe I'm just reading you wrong?

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The PimpDragon

Posts: 652
Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Wednesday, December, 14, 2005 6:40 PM
We can only hope that this technology won't send us to that terrrrrible Planet of the Apes.

Wait a minute. The Statue of Liberty?




Sorry. Just having a Homer Simpson moment (see the episode where he's recruited by NASA).on line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill online


Posts: 2,991
Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Wednesday, December, 14, 2005 6:45 PM
I don't mean to sound like a geezer here or anything, but weather or not if such technoligies could be possible, do you think that there are some over looked ethics here?

What if we could transport ourselves from home to the mall within a matter of seconds, only later to learn that long term use can damage your organs?

Or... Lets say that that everything works just fine... Couldn't the massive decline of a persons health be much greater since they no longer have to deal with the simple task of getting off their asses, walking to their car, driving to the mall, and then buying the useless crap that we all buy?

The net has already done that for a lot of people already. I know of a couple across town that both work at home and buy stuff off line all the time. They never shop or leave their house unless they are buying food.... well... and they are EverQuest junkies too.... or should I say... EverCrack....

If you could go back a few generations when folks were on horse-back and had to chop wood for light and warmth, you'd find out that since they spent most of their lives moving their asses around the old fasion way, they were much better in shape...

Wow... Did I say all that??? What were we talking about again???? lol
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Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Wednesday, December, 14, 2005 10:08 PM
Um, I'll just add, that if you were going to freeze light, and so forth to do that quantum computing, wouldn't you want to be inside of that super computer? lolorder abortion pill where to buy abortion pill


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Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Wednesday, December, 14, 2005 11:32 PM
The PimpDragon Wrote:
Sorry. Just having a Homer Simpson moment (see the episode where he's recruited by NASA).

"Careful! They're Ruffled!"


Posts: 2,991
Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Thursday, December, 15, 2005 12:28 AM
Jademz Wrote:Um, I'll just add, that if you were going to freeze light, and so forth to do that quantum computing, wouldn't you want to be inside of that super computer? lol

I retract my previous statement... Well.. let me think about that for a min...
[Qix77 is now entering the Game Grid]..

Ok.. I retract...


Posts: 0
Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Thursday, December, 15, 2005 4:43 PM
redrain85 Wrote:

I had a nice long response written out, but never mind.

One thing I might suggest, is lighten up a bit there Conduit. Just because we offer a different point of view, doesn't mean you have to snap at us.

Maybe I'm just reading you wrong?

I'm sorry. I'll try to think things through before I post next time.

Qix77, some grocery stores are already offering a food delivery program. And in Everquest you can type /pizza into the chat window and go to Pizza Hut's online delivery form without leaving the game. The webcomic Ctrl+Alt+Del had a lot of fun with it when it was first introduced. Click Here.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion

The PimpDragon

Posts: 652
Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Thursday, December, 15, 2005 6:06 PM
It appears the space shuttle has been taken over by giant alien ants.

And this reporter welcomes our new ant overlords!

That episode flippin' rules!


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Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Thursday, December, 15, 2005 6:11 PM
The PimpDragon Wrote:It appears the space shuttle has been taken over by giant alien ants.

And this reporter welcomes our new ant overlords!

That episode flippin' rules!

Indeed it does. I could quote it all day.

Homer: "It's like that time I was going to see Mr. T at the Mall. And I said "I'll go a little later... I'll go a little later..." and when I finally went he wasn't there. And when I asked a guy if he was coming back he said he didn't know... WELL I'M NOT GOING TO LET THAT HAPPEN AGAIN!!!"

Marge: Kids, I'm sure your father is going to be allright.
Lisa: What are you basing that on, Mom?
Marge: (pause)..... Who wants Ginger Snaps??!

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The PimpDragon

Posts: 652
Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Friday, December, 16, 2005 6:12 PM
Oh, the Mr. T reference!!!

I love that show like the French love Jerry Lewis!

Barney, after a drink: "It..BEGINS!!!!"

*takes NASA jetpack*



NASA Scientist - "That was non-alcoholic champagne."


However, my favorite episode of all is "Lemon of Troy." That may be the funniest 30 minutes ever developed.

Milhouse steals the episode!

"A candy wrapper. Those kids in Shelbyville are ALWAYS eating candy. They love its sweet taste!"

I love that show!


Posts: 0
Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Friday, December, 16, 2005 8:56 PM
The PimpDragon Wrote:
Milhouse steals the episode!

So this is what it feels like.... when doves cry....

That is a good episode. Season 7 just came out, but I'm sure I'll be getting it for christmas.

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The PimpDragon

Posts: 652
Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Friday, December, 16, 2005 9:04 PM
Same here on Season 7.

"Is this the untimely end of Milhouse?"

"You're name's Milhouse? So's mine."

"I thought I was the only one."

"A pain I know all too well."

"So this is what it's like....when doves cry."


The one with Mr. Burns' Casino is awesome, too, if only for Homer really believing that the boogeyman is in the house and grabbing the shotgun!

That, and his concept of GAMBLOR!!!!

And the best line of the episode belongs to the germs Burns sees on Smithers' face: "FREEMASONS RUN THE COUNTRY!"



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Re: Religious influences in Tron?

on Friday, December, 16, 2005 11:24 PM
"A baby on the table! That's good luck!"

So what happened to the Simpsons? The last few years have been just terrible.

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