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 Curious to know the source of the Tron 2.0 SFX?

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Curious to know the source of the Tron 2.0 SFX?

on Tuesday, November, 01, 2005 8:11 PM
Ima long time Tron Fan, i get some type of dementia in the enviroment. Even my upcoming website is very tron inspired(purple, techlook, lots of bloom style glow). Always been inspiring in my works. Also, i lerk this site, and I am a big fan of the site. Thanks dave for keeping a good resourceful site publicly available... and ofcourse... like others, I am saddened by hearing nothing new from the world of Tron.... blah anyways

Just thought id share something for any of whom maybe interested in sound design and technology...while its on my mind. During my sound work for developers quite a long time back.... When I first really started enjoying granular synthesis, i began working in a peice of software called "Crusher-X", it uses granular technology into a way of its own calling it vapor synthesis... Anyways... if anyone is curious about finding or recalling a few key sounds in the Tron 2.0. You wont find them far past experimenting with the included presets in the "Crusher-X" technology.

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Posts: 5,314
Re: Curious to know the source of the Tron 2.0 SFX?

on Tuesday, November, 01, 2005 8:44 PM
First off, welcome to the site!

I'm very interested in knowing more about this software.



Posts: 0
Re: Curious to know the source of the Tron 2.0 SFX?

on Tuesday, November, 01, 2005 9:49 PM
DaveTRON Wrote:First off, welcome to the site!

I'm very interested in knowing more about this software.

I second that. It sounds really cool.


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Posts: 2,691
Re: Curious to know the source of the Tron 2.0 SFX

on Wednesday, November, 02, 2005 1:09 AM

Is this what you are refering to?


"The flippity on the google loads the Flynn to the disc battles the guy bad. Day wins. Said nuff!" - DaveTRON

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Posts: 3,301
Re: Curious to know the source of the Tron 2.0 SFX?

on Wednesday, November, 02, 2005 3:47 AM
Now if I could only find a link to MP3 audio samples...

I tried via that link and I'm sure it's in there or one of the other links, but haven't found anything in a brief search and now I must sleeep.

EDIT: Okay, I just couldn't go to sleep without trying. Dang, this thing is cool!! You should download it. I do see they probably used it or something similar for Tron 2.0 music. This is really awesome, based on the samples I'm listening to within the program.

EDIT #2: Okay, this program frickin' rules. Thanks for showing us this!

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^

Posts: 1,077
Re: Curious to know the source of the Tron 2.0 SFX?

on Wednesday, November, 02, 2005 3:03 PM
I think the derez sound effect was used in Full Metal Alchemist...

Not an answer, but was it funny to hear on the show!!

"Happy is the man of reason who can face the world in season."


Posts: 0
Re: Curious to know the source of the Tron 2.0 SFX

on Sunday, November, 06, 2005 3:40 AM
Yah, Its great, especially when you start to understand it. Try processing your voice with it... might find something interesting

Its been rumored they used this a lil on Star Wars also...

Glad you like it! Get on Yahoo and join the list... I never mentioned Tron on there, but I should have, and you'll find a lot of other interesting things about the technology on there also.

Something else thats very interesting... is a company named Hartmann music. They are actually going under at the moment(unannounced)... but that Neuron synth is amazing. Read about that...

Also... Camel Audio's Cameleon 5000 is something very cool you may like(but very complicated additive synthesis). I've always loved additive from being a longtime Kawai K5000s lover.

Camel, Nueron, and Crusher are fave software tools in my arsenol *wink

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  Tron 2.0 
 Curious to know the source of the Tron 2.0 SFX?